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Effect of a Multidirectional Chin Tuck Exercise on Swallowing Function in Patients with Post-Stroke Dysphagia: A Pilot Study KCI 등재

  • 언어ENG
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/410059
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국제물리치료연구학회 (International Academy of Physical Therapy Research)

Background: The chin tuck exercise is a therapeutic approach for improving swallowing function in patients with dysphagia. However, the clinical evidence of the effect is still lacking.
Objectives: To investigate the effect of a multidirectional chin tuck exercise on swallowing function in patients with post-stroke dysphagia.
Design: A two-group prospective study.
Methods: In total, 14 patients with post-stroke dysphagia were enrolled and assigned to either the experimental or control group. The experimental group performed the chin tuck exercise in the vertical and diagonal directions, whereas the control group performed the exercise only in the vertical direction. The intervention was performed 20 minutes a day, 5 times a week, for 4 weeks. Videofluoroscopic Dysphagia Scale (VDS) and Penetration–Aspiration Scale (PAS) scores determined via a videofluoroscopic swallowing study were the outcome measures used for evaluating swallowing function.
Results: Post-intervention, the experimental group exhibited significantly better improvement in the pharyngeal phase score of VDS and PAS score than the control group.
Conclusion: This study demonstrated that the multidirectional chin tuck exercise is more effective than the vertical chin tuck exercise in improving the swallowing function in patients with post-stroke dysphagia.

    Study procedure
    Outcome measurements
    Data analysis
    General patient characteristics
    Effect on swallowing function
  • Dooho Lee(Department of Occupational Therapy, Choonhae College of Health Sciences)
  • Sanghoon Lee(Department of Physical Therapy, Inje University Busan Paik Hospital)
  • Jongbae Choi(Department of Occupational Therapy, Sangji University) Correspondence