강원도 홍천 유기농 재배단지 내에서 재배한 5종의 유기농 야채 즉, 케일, 신선초, 셀러리, 상추 및 파와 가락동 시장에서 구입한 일반재배 야채를 시료로 하여 일반성분 함량, 무기물, 비타민 및 chlorophyll 함량을 각각 측정하여 유기농 야채 판별을 위한 기초자료로 활용하였다. 일반성분 함량은 전체적으로 유기농 야채의 조단백, 조지방 함량이 일반야채 보다 높아 이는 야채의 외관에도 직접적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 판단되며, 상대적으로 녹색색
Proximate components, minerals, vitamins and chlorophyll contents were determined in vegetables purchased at Garak-dong market and organic vegetables cultivated at Hongchun, Kangwon-do. The vegetables were Kale, Angelica Keiskei Koidz, Celery, Lettuce and Allium fistulosum. In proximate component contents, analyzed crude protein and fat contents of organic vegetables were higher than those of general vegetables. Organic vegetables had strong green color. Minerals such as sodium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron as well as vitamins were determined. Contents of minerals and vitamins in organic vegetables were higher than those of general vegetables. Total mineral content of organic and general kales were 811.8 mg/l00g, and 688.1 mg/l00g, respectively. Total mineral content of organic Angelica Keiskei Kowz, Celery, Lettuce and Allium fistulosum were 447.9, 486.5, 368.6, and 320.9 mg/100g, respectively.