본 연구에서는 열전반도체를 사용한 강제송풍식과 기계식냉동시스템을 사용한 정지공기식 냉각저장고를 이용하여 냉각방식에 따른 백미의 냉각특성과, 저장중 백미의 품질특성을 구명하였다. 강제송풍식과 정지공기식에서 냉각속도는 각각 으로 강제송풍식이 빨랐으나, 냉각공기의 편차와 저장고 각 위치별로 백미의 온도편차가 정지공기식에 비해 크게 나타났으며, 상대습도는 낮게 나타났다. 14주간의 백미저장실험 결과, 강제풍통식에 저장한 백미의 함수율은 저하하였지만 백미
This study was conducted to analyze the cooling and the quality characteristics of milled rice stored in the forced air-blast type using thermo -electric semiconductor and in the still-air type chambers using refrigeration system with refrigerant(R-22). Cooling rates of milled rice in the forced air-blast type and in the still-air type chambers were and , respectively. And the temperatures of cooling air and of milled rice at different positions in the forced air-blast type chamber showed severer change than those in the still-air type chamber. During storage of milled rice in the forced air-blast type and still-air type chambers for 14 weeks, there was no significant difference in the quality characteristics, such as b value and fat acidity of milled rice, and overall sensory quality of cooked rice. But the quality characteristics of milled rice stored in room temperature chamber() as control decreased very rapidly compare to those stored in the cooling chambers. In aspect of fat acidity of milled rice, 6 weeks was the limitation for the safe storage in room temperature.