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신평년값(1991~2020년)을 이용한 우리나라 기후형 구분과 특성에 관한 연구 KCI 등재

The Classification of Climate Types and the Delineation of their Climatic Characteristics Using New Normals (1991-2020) in the Republic of Korea

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/411452
  • DOIhttps://doi.org/10.14383/cri.2021.16.3.179
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기후연구 (Journal of Climate Research)
건국대학교 기후연구소 (KU Climate Research Institute)

The purposes of this study were to classify detailed climate types over the Republic of Korea (ROK) and to delineate their climate characteristics using the new normals of 1991-2020 for 219 weather stations. Total five climate types, Cfa, Cfb, Cwa, Dwa, and Dwb were identified in ROK based on the Köppen’s climate classification criteria. Subtropical climate types, Cfa or Cwa types were broadly covered with 79.9% of 219 stations and the most of remaining stations were included in Dwa types which had a very cold winter and hot summer with wet conditions. In the Trewartha classification, four climate types were identified, one subtropical Cfa, and three temperate Doa, Dca, and Dcb types. Dcb types were found at four stations (Daegwallyeong, Taebaek, Jinburyeong, and Sabuk) in Taebak mountains indicating the extent of cool summer climate types with more stations in mountain areas. The climate characteristics by climate types only were presented the results from the Trewartha classification with the new normals and 66 ASOS stations because Köppen’s climate classification was not appropriate for ROK. The annual mean precipitation of Cfa was the greatest while Dcb the lowest among four types. The annual range was the greatest at Dca types while the smallest at Cfa due to the geographical varieties. More detailed climate types were located in ROK with 219 weather stations and the new normals (1991-2020). However, there were some limitation applying the criteria of Köppen’s and Trewartha’s climate classification to a very complex topographical region.

1. 연구배경과 목적
2. 연구자료와 방법
    1) 연구자료
    2) 연구방법
3. 우리나라 기후형의 상세 분포
    1) 1991~2020년 신평년 기준
    2) 2001~2020년 10년별 분석
4. 기후형에 따른 기후특성
5. 요약과 결론
  • 강권민(건국대학교 기후연구소) | Kwonmin Kang (Climate Research Institute, Konkuk Univ.)
  • 최영은(건국대학교 지리학과) | Youngeun Choi (Department of Geography, Konkuk Univ.) Correspondence
  • 김유진(건국대학교 기후연구소) | Yujin Kim (Climate Research Institute, Konkuk Univ.)
  • 민숙주(건국대학교 기후연구소) | Sookjoo Min (Climate Research Institute, Konkuk Univ.)
  • 최다솜(기상청 기후변화감시과) | Dasom Choi (Climate Change Monitoring Division, Korea Meteorological Administration)
  • 김기영((주)포디솔루션) | Kiyoung Kim (4D Solution, Co., Ltd.)
  • 이도영(건국대학교 지리학과) | Doyoung Lee (Department of Geography, Konkuk Univ.)