고품질의 지실을 포제하기 위한 건조법을 개발하기 위하여, 미성숙 탱자과실을 자연음건법, 적외선건조법, 동결건조법 등으로 건조하고 분말 및 추출액을 조제하여 이화학적 특성을 조사하였다. 동결건조 분말은 다른 건조법의 분말보다 L값, -a값, carotenoid, chlorophyll a 및 b 함량은 높았으나 naringin 함량은 유의적으로 낮았다. 적외선건조 분말은 자연음건 분말보다 L값, naringin, chlorophyll b 함량은 낮았
The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of drying methods on the physicochemical characteristics of Ponciri fructus. Immature fruits of Poncirus trifoliata were harvested, dried by shade, infrared, or freeze drying, and powdered to size of 20 mesh. Then, extracted for 3 hrs with hot-water or 40% ethanol(80℃). Freeze dried powder showed significantly higher L and -a value. The content of hesperidin was not affected by drying methods. The yield was the highest from freeze drying. Water extracts showed significantly more browning color, and higher acidity and total sugar content than those of ethanol extracts. Acidity and total sugar of water extracts were the highest in infrared drying and freeze drying, respectively. Browning color, pH, acidity and total sugar of ethanol extracts were not affected by the drying methods. The results suggest that freeze drying has a beneficial effects to enhance the quality of Ponciri fructus.