본 연구에서는 유기산을 이용하여 칼슘 용해에 미치는 영향과 칼슘종류에 따른 용해특성을 조사하였다. 유기산종류에 따른 영향을 조사한 결과 해조칼슘은 초산과 젖산에서 잘 용해되었으나 구연산에서는 초기산도 4%이상에서 용해되었으며 주석산에는 칼슘이 용해되지 않았다. 초산과 젖산을 이용하여 칼슘종류에 따른 용해특성을 조사한 결과 초기산도가 높을수록 pH와 잔사량은 낮게, 적정산도는 높게 나타났다. 칼슘함량은 탄산칼슘과 해조칼슘에서 높았으며 젖산보다 초산
This study was conducted to investigate the effect of organic acids on solubility of calcium. As a results, acetic and lactic acid showed the most excellent solubility of calcium. Calcium solubility was increased at initial total acid (4%) in citric acid but calcium was insoluble in tartaric acid. After solving, pH and residuals were decreased where as total acidity and calcium content were increased as increment of initial acidity of acetic and lactic acid. Calcium content in seaweed calcium and calcium carbonate were higher than that of nano calcium. Solubility of calcium was more conspicuous at lactic acid than acetic acid.