우리나라의 전통 밑반찬류에 대한 재료 및 가공에 대하여 보존적 burdle의 특성을 파악한 결과 첫째는 밑반찬에 사용되는 재료들에서 1차적인 hurdle이 적용되고, 2차로 양념류에서 burdle이 적용되어 저장성과 안전성을 부여하고 있다. 둘째는 조리과정에서 삶고, 데치고, 끊이고, 볶고, 튀기는 공정을 거침으로써 수분활성도 및 pH를 조절하여 보존성을 향상 시킬 수 있는 것으로 나타났다. 대부분의 밑반찬들의 염 농도는 범위를 가지고 있으며,
We investigated food preservation hurdles used for Korean traditional side dishes. As a first step of the research preparation and cooking recipes of the side dishes were surveyed, which are commonly used in Korean households. As next step, compositional and microbial quality attributes were measured onto the samples collected from the market. Antimicrobial ingredient added in the preparation are reasoned to work as important hurdles based on the scientific principles. Heating processes such as blanching, boiling, braising, hard-boiling and frying help to keep the produce decontamination or water activity adjustment. Measured salt contents of most side dishes were in the range of 1-5% with those of salt-preserved vegetables being higher. pH values were 4.7-6.4 with those of salt-preserved vegetables being lower and those of hard boiled fishes being higher. Soluble solids of braised or hard-boiled dishes were usually above , while those of blanched and seasoned vegetables had lower values. Water activity values were 0.93-0.95 for seasoned vegetables and 0.77-0.88 for hard-boiled or semi dried beans and seafoods. Product with processing steps of braising or blanching showed lower bacterial load of 102-104 cfu/g, while seasoned or salt-preserved vegetables and seafoods had aerobic bacterial count above 106 cfu/g. Korean traditional side dishes were found to apply the appropriate combinations of heating preparation process, water activity and pH adjustment and salting, providing the required preservation properties.