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전기분해수 처리에 의한 딸기의 살균 효과 및 저장 중 품질변화 KCI 등재 SCOPUS

Disinfection Effects of Electrolyzed Water on Strawberry and Quality Changes during Storage

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/41282
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한국식품저장유통학회 (The Korean Society of Food Preservation)

전해 방식에 따라 제조된 전기분해수로 세정처리한 딸기의 살균효과 및 저장중 품질변화를 살펴본 결과, 전기분해수에 의한 딸기의 미생물학적 살균효과는 침지수량은 중량 대비 10배수, 침지시간은 20분 처리시 초기균수에 대하여 2 log cycle 정도 감소하며 저장중 균증식 속도도 다소 느리게 나타났다. 폐기율은 저장시 EW-2 처리구에서 저장 5일째까지 10%수준을 보여 무처리 및 염소수 처리에 비해 낮은 폐기율을 보여주었고, 조직감도 저장 전

Disinfection of electrolyzed water (EW) on strawberry by immersion washing and quality changes during storage at was compared with one immersed in chlorine water and not treated. Total count of strawberry washed with EW by immersion in 10 volumes of EW for 20 min was decreased to about 2 log cycle compared to the untreated And rate of microbial growth during storage was lower than ethers. Decaying ratio in strawberry treated with electrolyzed low-alkalinewater (EW-2) showed lower as of 10% level after 5 days of storage compared) to the untreated and the treated with chlorine water (CW). Hardness in the treatment of EW was not changed significantly until 3 days of storage, after then rather increased. Change in surface color of strawberries was observed; L value in the CW treated and the untreated increased whereas it decreased in the treatment of EW. And color difference() during storage was observed the lowest in the untreated until 3 days of storage. The initial value of residual chlorine in the treatment of EW was at the level of , and days later showed almost the equal value to level of in all treatments. Sensory characteristic during storage was preferable on strawberry washed with EW (EW-1 and EW-2) to the other treatments.

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