항산화물에 의한 천식 억제 효과를 확인하기 위하여 항산화정도를 알아볼 수 있는 DPPH, FRAP, hydroxyl radical 소거활성 실험을 high throughput-compatible chemical assay로 디자인하여 해바라기씨 추출물에 적용하여 보았다. 해바라기씨 추출물의 용매에 따른 항산화 효과 중 에 의한 산화스트레스에 의한 세포사멸을 DW추출물에서 강한 억제능력을 보였다. 이를 이용하여 마우스를 이용한 천식 동물모델에 적용
In order to investigate whether antioxidant biomaterials inhibits IL-4 and/or IL-13 expression in vitro and in vivo, we carried out antioxidant assays by enzyme or cell-based assays with Helianthus annuus extract. Antioxidant assays include DPPH, FRAP, hydroxyl radical assays. Helianthus annuus extract exhibited SOD scavenging activity, and had different patterns by each solvent extracted reaction. DW extract inhibited oxidative stress by that induced apoptosis. We measured cell and IL-/13 cytokine expression in a classical mouse animal model. The result show that Helianthus annuus extract showed strung inhibition of immune response in the lung. These result suggest that Helianthus annuus extract can reduce inflammation induced by n mouse asthma model.