In this study, a biodegradation model of based on molecular cellulose was established. It is a mathematical, kinetic model, assuming that two major enzymes randomly break glycosidic bonds of cellulose molecules, and calculates the number of molecules by applying the corresponding probability and degradation reaction coefficients. Model calculations considered enzyme dose, cellulose chain length, and reaction rate constant ratio. Degradation increased almost by two folds with increase of temperature (5℃→25℃). The change of degradation was not significant over the higher temperatures. As temperature increased, the degradation rate of the molecules increased along with higher production of shorter chain molecules. As the reaction rates of the two enzymes were comparative the degree of degradation for any combinations of enzyme application was not affected much. Enzyme dose was also tested through experiment. While enzyme dose ranged from 1 mg/L to 10 mg/L, the gap between real data and model calculations was trivial. However, at higher dose of those enzymes (>15 mg/L), the experimental result showed the lower concentrations of reductive sugar than the corresponding model calculation did. We determined that the optimal enzyme dose for maximum generation of reductive sugar was 10 mg/L.