The Jeju 4 3 Incident, which occurred on Jeju Island during the US military rule, was the second most tragic event in modern Korean history after the Korean War(Jeju 4 3 Incident Investigation Report Planning Team 2003). It is an unprecedented historical event in which even the basic human rights that everyone should have were violated under historical reasons. However, in order not to repeat this kind of history, we need the courage to think about what we must do, find the answers, and put the found solution into action. To do this, we need to know what human rights have been violated, and what kind of pain those who have been violated and their descendants have suffered. Just knowing is not enough. Knowing with your head and empathizing with your heart makes a difference in behavior. Because I react differently to what happens to me and what happens to others. I wonder why they would react differently. The thought that I could not empathize was the beginning of this article. The social healing of 4.3 cannot be completely healed without forming a consensus.