4월 20일과 5월 2일 적과된 미숙 복숭아의 식품학적 특성을 조사하였으며, 평균중량은 각각 , 이었다. 유기산 함량은 oxalic acid 함량이 가장 높았으며, cirtric acid, malic acid, tartaric acid 순으로 나타났고 유기산의 구성비가 변화하였다. 적과시기에 관계없이 모든 시료에서 arabinose가 검출되었으며, 부위별로 유리당 조성은 차이를 나타내었는데 4월 20일과 5월 2일 과육부 당의 주체는 arabin
This work measured the approximate levels of chemical components in the fleshpeel of unripe peaches picked at different times. The unripe samples were divided into two groups. Group I was picked on April 20 and Group II on May 2. Both samples were analyzed for organic acids, free sugars, Brix values, acidity, amino acids, and minerals. The major organic acid contents in Group I and Group II samples were oxalic acid> citric acid> malic acid> tartaric acid. The order of major free sugarin Group I and Group II samples were arabinose> sucrose in flesh and arabinose> glucose> sucrose in peel. The order of amino acid levels in all samples was aspartic acid> proline> glutamic acid> serine> leucine> lysine. The Brix values, acidity levels, and pH values of all samples were in the ranges of , 0.50-0.55 % and 4.13-4.17, respectively. The order of mineral content in all samples was K> Ca> Mg> Na.