PURPOSES : The objective of this study is to develop regression models for surface distress (SD), rut depth (RD), and international roughness index (IRI) of Jeju Island local road by analyzing the correlations between the pavement performance and its influencing factors. METHODS : First, the differences between pavements in inland Korea and Jeju Island in terms of performance and influencing factors were investigated. Influencing factors were assigned to pavement sections on Jeju Island using the inverse distance weighting method, and the correlations between the pavement performance and influencing factors were analyzed. As a result, maximum temperature, heat wave days, annual temperature range, precipitation days, precipitation intensity, ESAL, etc. were determined as independent variables for the pavement performance prediction models. Multiple regression analysis was performed to develop the pavement performance models using the selected independent variables.
RESULTS : The RD, maximum temperature, and precipitation days were determined to be the independent variables for the SD predictive model. The SD, maximum temperature, annual temperature range, heat wave days, and precipitation days were selected as independent variables of the RD prediction model. In addition, the RD, annual temperature range, heat wave days, precipitation days, and ESAL were selected as independent variables for the IRI prediction model.
CONCLUSIONS : As a result of the study, an actual forecast model for SD, RD, and IRI was developed. Based on this model, it is possible to estimate the predictive value of the missing performance data in the studied interval. If the factors affecting performance are managed in terms of maintenance beyond a certain level, it can help those responsible for road maintenance to rationally select the maintenance method and timing.