우리 식생활에서 기본 조미료의 하나인 한식간장에 기능성을 부여하고자 기존의 식염수 대신 멸치 발효액을 사용하고 약용식물인 삼백초와 어성초를 5%씩 첨가하여 4개월간 발효시켜 기능성 어간장을 제조하였다. 어간장의 특성을 조사한 결과 총질소 함량은 발효시간이 경과함에 따라 증가하는 경향을 보였는데, 어성초 첨가구가 가장 높은 값을 나타내었고 삼백초 첨가구는 대조구와 비슷한 값을 보였다. 총당 및 환원당의 함량은 어성초 첨가구가 가장 높았으며, 다음이
This study was conducted to investigate 1he quality characteristics of 1he soybean anchovy sauces added with medicinal herbs, Saururu chinensis Baill. and Houttuynia cordata Thunb. and fermented for 4 months. The total nitrogen content of 1he soybean anchovy sauce increased with the fermentation time showing the highest values in the sauce with Houttuynia cordata Thunb.. The contents of total sugar and reduced sugar were high in the order of the sauces with Houttuynia cordata Thunb.(sauce T), with Saururu chinensis Baill.(sauce B), and control. The content of salt decreased much more in the sauces with medicinal herbs. After 4 months of fermentation, pH was lowered from 5.86 to 5.27 in control, to 5.38 and 5.54 in sauce B and sauce T, respectively. Generally the total aerobic bacterial count increased until 3 months of fermentation and then decreased, and the addition of medicinal hems reduced the count especially showing apparent reduction in the sauce T. During the fermentation, total protease activity generally increased with the highest value in the sauce T. In the changes of nucleotides and their related compounds, the contents of AMP, ADP, and ATP were increased and hypoxanthine decreased during the fermentation, and IMP produced after 3 months. The soybean anchovy sauce B had 1he highest IMP and the lowest hypoxanthine after 4 months. The content of total amino acids increased showing 177.1 mg% and 134.7 mg% in the sauce B and sauce T respectively compared with 171.2 mg% of control. The contents of glutamic acid and aspartic acid were 29.2 mg% in sauce B and 34.3 mg% in sauce T, which were higher compared with 25.9 mg% of control. The fermented soybean anchovy sauce had 1he functionality of ACE inhibition with 70.5% (control), 72.5% (sauce B) and 81.6% (sauce T). In the results of sensory evaluation, the sance T scored the highest and the sauce B was preferred to control.