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충청북도 고등학교의 명칭 특성 KCI 등재

The Characteristics of the Names of High Schools in Chungbuk Province

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/419405
  • DOIhttps://doi.org/10.16879/jkca.2022.22.3.101
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한국지도학회지 (Journal of the Korean Cartographic Association)
한국지도학회 (The Korean Cartographic Association)

1950년 교육법 개정에 따라 ‘고등학교’가 다수 신설된 지 벌써 72년이 지났다. 그럼에도 고등학교 명칭에 관한 심도 있는 연구는 아직까지 수행된 바가 없었다. 그래서 충북 중학교에 이어 충북 고등학교 명칭 특성을 분석하였다. 2022.04.01. 기준 82개 고등학교 명칭에 관한 분석 결과는 다음과 같다. 학교명의 어종은 한자어가 90.2%로 압도적이었고, 평균 음절수는 3.7음절로 중학교 명칭보다 길었다. 생성 유형은 결합지명이 50.6%로 가장 많았고, 행정지명이 30.1%, 인문지명이 19.5%였다. 행정구역 관련 학교명은 80.5%였는데, 시・군・구 관련 학교명(50.0%)이 가장 많았으며, 중학교보다 상위 행정구역과 관련된 명칭의 비중이 높았다. 개명 사례는 총 82건으로 중학교에 비해 훨씬 빈번하고 복잡하였다. 폐지 사례는 13건이었는데, 대부분 읍・면부 소재 일반계 공립 고교들이었다.

It has already been 72 years since a large number of high schools were newly established in accordance with the revision of the Education Law in 1950. Nevertheless, no in-depth research on the names of high schools has yet been conducted. Therefore, the characteristics of the names of high schools in Chungbuk province were analyzed, following the research of “the analysis about the name characteristics of middle schools in Chungbuk province.” As of April 1, 2022, the results of the analysis about the names of 82 high schools are as follows. In word type analysis of high school names, ‘Sino-Korean’ words were overwhelming at 90.2%. In syllable analysis, the average number of syllables was 3.7, which was longer than that of middle school names. As for the name source analysis, combined geographical names accounted for the most at 50.6%, followed by administrative geographical names at 30.1% and humanistic factors at 19.5%. 80.5% of school names were related to administrative districts, and most of them were city・county・borough-related school names (50.0%). The proportion of names related to upper administrative districts was higher than that of middle schools. There were 82 cases of high school renaming, which was much more frequent and complex than middle schools. There were 13 cases of abolition, mostly in general public high schools in towns and townships.

I. 서론
II. 본론
    1. 충청북도 고등학교 현황
    2. 개명 특성
    3. 어종 및 음절 특성
    4. 생성 특성
III. 결론

감사의 글
    충청북도 고등학교의 변동 내역

  • 송호열(서원대학교 휴머니티교양대학 부교수) | Hoyul Song (Associate Professor, College of Liberal Arts, Seowon University)