구운 마늘의 생리활성 기능과 이용 가능성에 관한 연구의 일환으로 구운 마늘의 영양성분 및 생리활성 성분을 분석한 결과는 다음과 같다. 일반성분은 건물량 기준으로 수분 5.30%, 조단백질 36.89%, 조지방 12.60%, 조회분 4.36%, 식이섬유소 2.88% 및 탄수화물 37.97%였다. 구성당은 총 6종의 유리당 중 galactose 61.59 mg/100 g만이 검출되었으며, 구성 아미노산은 glutamic acid 함량이 5,275.0
This study was conducted to investigate the major chemical components of dried baked garlic powder. The proximate compositions of baked garlic powder as a dry-matter basis were 5.30% moisture, 36.89% crude protein, 12.60% crude fat, 4.36% crude ash, 2.88% dietary tiber, and 37.97% carbohydrate, respectively. The major free sugars were identified as fructose and galactose. In the analysis of the total amino acids, 18 kinds of components were isolated from baked garlic powder. The essential amino acid contained in baked garlic powder accounted for 36.60% of total amino acids, while the non-essential amino acids accounted for 63.40%. The major unsaturated fatty acids of total lipids were linoleic acid. The ratio of polyunsaturated fatty acids to saturated fatty acids (P/S ratio) was 5.77. Oxalic acid was the major organic acids. The contents of vitamin A, C, and E were 0.064, 1.452, and 0.037 mg%, respectively. The mineral contents of baked garlic powder were greater, in order of K>Mg>Ca>Na>Zn>Fe. The total polyphenol, flavonoids and thiosulfates contents of baked-garlic ethanol extract were mg/100 g, mg/100 g and OD/g, respectively.