본 연구에서는 상대적으로 우수한 총 페놀화합물 함량(84.25, 318.25 mg GAE/g)을 나타낸 사과 과육 및 과피의 EtOAc 분획물의 in vitro 항산화 효과, 미백 및 주름개선 효과를 알아보기 위해 다양한 연구를 진행하였다. 사과 과육 및 과피의 EtOAc 분획물의 ABTS radical 소거활성과 FRAP assay결과 농도 의존적인 경향이 나타났으며, 과피에서 높은 in vitro 항산화 활성을 보여주었다. 미백 효능을 알아보
The in-vitro whitening and anti-wrinkle effect of ethanol extracts from apple flesh and peel were investigated. The EtOAc fractions from the ethanol extracts of apple flesh and peel showed in-vitro antioxidant activities in a dose-dependent manner on ABTS radical-scavenging activity and ferric-reducing/antioxidant power, and had the highest total phenolic contents (84.25 and 318.25 mg GAE/g). In addition, the EtOAc fractions generally showed strong UV absorption within the UV-B range. In the cellular system, the melanin synthesis of the B16/F10 melanoma cells was decreased by the EtOAc fractions of apple peel in a concentration-dependent manner. The EtOAc fractions of apple peel also showed a great elastase inhibition of 46.40% at 100 /mL, thus showing good in-vitro anti-wrinkle characteristics. These results suggest that the EtOAc fractions from the ethanol extract of apple peel can be used as whitening and anti-wrinkle agents as well as antioxidant resources.