Schematic Analysis of the Unification of Korean and Chinese Allotropes
본문은 한중 동소역순어의 단일화 양상에서 나타나는 역순화 현상을 의미대립의 관점에서 도식화함으로써, 두 언어가 지닌 인지 사유의 변화양상을 고찰하고자 하였 다. 첫번째는 유의어의 한중 번역 과정에서 나타나는 대역어의 양상을 통해, 한중 인 지 사유의 변화양상을 유의어의 시공간 인지와 ‘동소역순어’의 어순구조를 대조하여 분석해 보았다. 두 번째는 ‘동소역순어’의 단일화 과정에서 나타나는 한중 인지구조 의 역순화 현상을 두 가지 측면에서 도식화를 진행하였다. 먼저 외부 경계의 도식화 양상으로, 順逆, 大小, 內外의 시공간 범주의 대립관계를 살펴보았다. 둘째 내부 범주 의 도식화 양상으로, 靜動, 褒貶, 自他의 대립관계를 살펴보았다.
This paper In this paper, the differences in Korean-Chinese cognitive structure appearing in the unification aspect of synonyms of disyllable Chinese words and homosomal inverse order were schematized from two major angles. First, the characteristics of the Korean-Chinese cognitive structure were identified by schematizing the aspects of synonyms appearing in the Korean-Chinese translation process. Second, the phenomenon of reverse ordering of Korean-Chinese cognitive structure that appears in the process of unifying allo-so-so reverse order was examined from the aspect of schematization. Second, the confrontational relationship between the same and small reverse order was schematized in two aspects, external and internal. First of all, in the external relationship, first, Chinese progenitor word order and Korean retrograde word order were compared, and the size of the category was examined for ‘large-small’ preference in Chinese and ‘small-large’ preference in Korean. Regarding the spatial confrontation between inside and outside, Korean preferred ‘inside-outside’ and Chinese looked at ‘outside-inside’ preference. Next, in the internal relationship of the semantic categories of the morphemes constituting the morpheme constituting the homonymic reverse order, first of all, it was found that Chinese prefers ‘静-动’ word order, and Korean prefers ‘动-静’. In addition, in the confrontation between affirmation and negation of 褒貶, it was found that Korean prefers the word order structure of ‘positive-negative’, and Chinese language prefers the word order structure of ‘negative-positive’. Again, in the contrast diagram of ‘自他’ according to meaning orientation, Korean prefers the word order of ‘自-他’ as a speaker-centered language, while Chinese prefers the word order structure of ‘他-自’.