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고려홍삼 다당체 성분이 암독소 호르몬 - L 의 체지방 분해작용에 미치는 영향 KCI 등재

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/42229
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한국식품영양학회지 (The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition)
한국식품영양학회 (The Korean Society of Food and Nutrition)

본 연구는 고려홍삼의 산성다당제 성분이 암독소 호르몬-L의 체지방 분해작용에 미치는 영향을 검토하였다. 인삼분말을 petroleum ether로 지질성분을 추출한 후 얻은 잔사를 다시 methanol로 추출하고 여기서 얻은 잔사를 다시 ethanol로 처리하여 침전되는 성분인 소위 조산성다당체를 수집한 바, 조 산성다당체의 수율은 63.5%였다. In vitro에서 고려홍삼 조 산성다당체 성분의 체지방 분해 억제율은 500 ㎍/㎖반응농도에서 38.8%였고, 총 억제활성은 원료인삼 g당 4, 928 unit로 나타났다. In vivo에서는 암 mouse에 고려홍삼 조 산성다당체 추출성분(40 ㎎/㎖ of saline soln.) 을 체중 g당 16㎕(0.64g/㎏ of body weight)로 복강내에 3일마다 1회씩 주사시 수명연장 효과를 나타내지는 않았으나 대조군에 비하여 체중이 감소(P < 0.05 ∼ 0.02)된 효과를 나타내었다.

This study was devised to observe the inhibitory effects of ethanol treatment precipitate (crude acidic polysaccharide) from Korean red ginseng on a lipolytic action of Toxohormone-L which has been known as lipolytic and anorexigenic factors. Toxohormone-L was obtained by partial purification of the ascites fluid from mice which had been inoculated with sarcoma-180. The yields of crude acidic polysaccharide from Korean red ginseng was 63.5%. In vitro, at the concentration of 500㎍/㎖, the inhibition rate of lipolysis by the crude acidic polysacchande of Korean red ginseng was 38.8% and the total inhibitory activity per gram of ginseng material was 4, 928unit. In vivo, the red ginseng polysaccharide (40㎎/㎖ in saline soln. ) 16㎕/g of body weight was injected to the sarcoma-180 bearing mice once in 3 days until death. The effects against the extension of life span was little but body weight gain of sarcoma-180 bearing mice decreased significantly by administration of Korean red ginseng polysaccharide compared to those of the control group.

  • 정미자 | Mi Ja Chung
  • 조종수 | Jong Soo Jo
  • 김행자 | Haeng Ja Kim
  • 성낙주 | Nak Ju Sung