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산업재해로 인한 외국인근로자의 제조업 사망사고 실태분석 및 대응방안에 관한 연구 KCI 등재후보

A Study on the Analysis and Countermeasures of Industrial Accident Deaths of Foreign Workers in the Manufacturing Industry

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/423630
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대한안전경영과학회지 (Journal of Korea Safety Management & Science)
대한안전경영과학회 (Korea Safety Management & Science)

Recently, the crisis of demographic extinction is rising in Korea more than any other country, and it is difficult for industrial sites to maintain without 'foreign workers'. Industrial accidents and accident deaths of foreign workers account for 7.6% and 12.3% of the total, through an in-depth analysis of fatal accidents in the manufacturing industry, differences and similarities between fatal accidents of foreign workers and all fatal accidents were confirmed in terms of occurrence type, workplace size, length of service, employment type, etc. In this study, customized countermeasures were found.

1. 서 론
2. 이론적 배경
    2.1 외국인근로자의 체류자격과 현황
    2.2 외국인근로자의 산업재해 현황
3. 외국인근로자 사망사고 현황 분석
    3.1 외국인근로자의 사망사고 일반현황
    3.2 사업장 규모별 사망사고 현황
    3.3 출신 국적별 사망사고 현황
4. 제조업에서의 외국인근로자 사망사고분석
    4.1 발생형태 및 규모별 중대재해
    4.2 근속기간, 고용형태 및 연령별 중대재해
    4.3 근무조 형태 및 작업내용별 중대재해
5. 결 론
    5.1 외국인근로자 고용 확대정책과 과제
    5.2 사망사고 예방을 위한 대응방안
6. References
  • 김정덕(산업안전보건연구원 산업안전연구실) | Jung-Duck Kim (Occupational Safety & Health Research Institute. Ulsan 44429, Korea)
  • 유영수(한국산업안전보건공단 산업안전실 부장) | Young-Soo Yu (Occupational Safety and Health Agency. Ulsan 44429, Korea)
  • 고범석(산업안전보건인증원 가설재인증부 차장) | Beom-Suk Go (Occupational Safety & Health Certification Institute. Ulsan 44429, Korea)
  • 양원백(숭실사이버대학교 산업안전공학과 교수) | Won-Baek Yang (Dept. of Industrial Safety Engineering, Soongsil Cyber Univ. Seoul 06878, Korea) Corresponding Author