병원성 Pseudomonas에 유효한 항생물질을 생성하는 방선균 LAM 98-80을 분리하여 형태학적, 배양학적, 생리학적으로 동정한 결과 Streptomyces sp. LAM 98-80으로 동정·명명하였다. 이 균을 이용하여 병원선 Pseudomonas에 유효한 항생물질의 최적 생성 조건을 검토한 결과 탄소원으로 1.5%의 soluble starch, 질소원으로는 1.0%의 yeast extract가 가장 양호하였으며 무기염으로 Mn^2+을 0.04%을 첨가로 항생물질의 생성량을 80%나 증가시켰다. 배지의 초기 pH는 7.0, 최적 온도는 30℃ 그리고 배양일수는 5일만에 최고의 생육 및 생성을 나타내었다. 시험균으로 사용한 cephalosporins 내성 병원성 Pseudomonas는 cepha계 항생물질에 대하여 내성을 띠었으며 β-lactam계인 ampicillin, amoxicillin에 대해서는 민감하였다. 그리고 조정제한 항생물질의 열과 pH에 대한 안정성을 검토한 결과 70℃에서 1시간동안 안정하였고 pH 3에서 9까지 넓은 범위에서 안정하였다. 각 종균에 대한 항생작용은 그람 양성 및 음성균에 모두 효과적이었으며 진균인 효모와 곰팡이에는 효과가 없었다.
We isolated actinomycetes LAM-98-80 as strain producing an effective antibiotic for cephalosprin resistant pathogenic Pseudomonas sp. and identified as Streptomyces sp. LAM-98-80 from cultural and physiological characteristics. We investigated the optimal culture conditions for production of an antibiotic becoming effective for cephalosporin-resistant pathogenic Pseudomonas sp. It was found that 1.5% soluble starch and 1.0% yeast extract were good as carbon and nitrogen source, respectively. The production of antibiotic was also activated by 0.04% Mn^2+ as 80% degree. The optimum initial pH on production of antibiotic was pH 7.0. The culture condition for the maximal productivity of the antibiotic was at 30℃ for 5 days. The cephalosporin-resistant pathogenic Pseudomonas sp. as test bacteria was revealed to resist antibiotic of cepha families, but revealed to not resist those of β-lactam families, ampicillin and amoxicillin. Partial purified antibiotic was stable for the pH from 3 to 9, and was also stable when treated at 70℃ for 1 hour. This antbiotic was effective against all gram positive and negative bacteria but was not effective against molds and yeasts.