동시증류추출장치를 사용하여 분리한 Sweet계 바질(Ocimum basilicum)의 4개 품종(anise, darkopal, lettuce, sweet)의 휘발성 성분을 GC/MSD로 확인하였다 확인된 성분을 기능기별로 분류하면 alcohol 성분들이 11종, carbonyl 화합물이 6종, terpene 관련 화합물이 19종. ester 화합물이 5종으로 나타났다. 주요 화합물들은 1, 8-cineole(2.86∼5.04%), camphor(1.07∼l.87%), α-Bergamotene(2.05∼5.40%), methyl chavicol(0∼25.49%), eugenol (3.55∼13.53%) 등의 carbonyl 화합물과 linalool(28.52∼36.50%), bornyl acetate(0.48∼2.79%), methyl cinnamate(0∼23.12%)등의 alcohol과 ester류, cis-ocimene(1.15∼2.02%), β -cubebene(2.77∼4.80%), cadinene(1.08∼1.70%)등의 terpene 화합물이 주요 성분으로 확인되었다. Darkopal, lettuce, sweet 바질은 linalool(30.09∼35.50%), methyl chavicol(8.09∼25.49%)이 주요 성분으로 나타났고, Anise 바질은 linalool(28.52%), methyl cinnamate(23.12%)가 주요 성분으로 확인되었으나 바질의 주요성분으로 알려져 있는 methyl chavicol은 검출되지 않았다.
The essential oils of anise, darkopal, lettuce and sweet basils cultivated in Korea were extracted by simultaneous steam distillation and extraction method and were analyzed by GC/MSD. Total 41 components were identified in essential oils including 11 alcohols, 6 carbonyls, 19 hydrocarbons and 5 esters components. The major components were 1, 8-cineole, linalool, α-bergamotene, β-elemene, methyl chavicol, β-cubebene, methyl cinnamate and eugenol. Darkopal, lettuce and sweet basils were rich in linalool(30. 1∼36.5%), methyl chavicol(8.1∼25.5%) and relatively poor in methyl cinnamate(0∼2.71%). Anise basil was rich in linalool(28.5%) and methyl cinnamate(23.1%). However, methyl chavicol, which was known as one of the main components of basil, was not detected.