5% 에탄을 용액에 마늘을 파쇄하여 10% 가하고 Acetobacter aceti 3281로 35℃에서 26일간 발효시켜서 마늘식초를 제조하였다. 호박식초는 호박술을 기질로 하여 Acetobacter aceti 3281로 35℃에서 26일간 발효시켜서 제조하였다. 마늘식초와 호박식초의 총당은 0.04 ㎎/ml 및 1.53 ㎎/m1, 환원당은 0.122 ㎎/ml 및 0.406 ㎎/ml, 비중은 1.001 및 1.004, 에탄올은 모두 0.06% 및 0.02%, 균체수는 8.52 및 8.48 CFU/ml, pH는 3.06 및 3.20, 산도는 4.98 및 5.02를 나타냈다. 기호도는 마늘식초는 2.7. 호박식초는 3.9를 나타냈다.
The garlic vinegar brewed with 5% ethanol solution added 10% crushed garlic was fermented by Acetobactor aceti 3281 at 30℃ for 26 days. Pumpkin wine vinegar was made from acetic acid fermentation of pumpkin wine at 35℃ for 26 days. The garlic vinegar and pumkin wine vinegar contained 0.04㎎/ml and 1.53㎎/ml of total sugar, 0.122/㎎/ml and 0.406㎎/ml of reducing sugar, and 0.06 and 0.02% of ethanol. Specific gravity of garlic vinegar and pumkin wine vinegar was 1.0012 and 1.0015, repectively. Viable cell count of garlic vinegar and pumkin wine vinegar was 8.53 and 8.48CFU/ml, respectively. pH of garlic vinegar and pumkin vinegar was 3.06 and 3.20, respectively. Acidity of garlic vinegar and pumkin wine vinegar was 4.98 and 5.02, respectively. Sensory evaluation garlic of vinegar and pumkin wine vinegar was 2.7 and 3.9, respectively.