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A Study on the Success Factors of National R&D Commercialization in Agriculture KCI 등재

농업 분야 국가 R&D 기술이전 사업화 성공 요인 분석

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/426191
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한국산업경영시스템학회지 (Journal of Society of Korea Industrial and Systems Engineering)
한국산업경영시스템학회 (Society of Korea Industrial and Systems Engineering)

This study identifies the commercialization success factors that can be an important indicator for the transfer and commercialization of national R&D results in the agricultural sector. Unlike other industries, the agricultural sector has a non-systematically scaled and processed industrial structure, and R&D is led by government rather than the private sector. Although the quantitative performance of national agricultural R&D, especially the number of patents and publications, has increased rapidly with the quantitative expansion of the government R&D budget, the technology commercialization of the results of agricultural R&D has been accompanied by difficulties for SMEs. Therefore, this study summarized the success factors for commercialization of state-owned technologies presented in previous studies, and based on them, analysed the success factors for commercialization specific to the agricultural sector. It also conducted a questionnaire survey using Delphi and focus group interviews (FGI) with experts from academia, research and industry, and a survey of agricultural companies to derive success factors for commercialization in the agricultural sector using logistic regression analysis. As a result, five indicators with positive correlation and three indicators with negative correlation within technology characteristics, suppliers, adopters, policy and market factors were finally derived as key factors for agricultural commercialization. In the future, it is expected that independent factor analysis of the food and seed sectors, which have independent industry characteristics from the agricultural sector, will be needed.

1. 서 론
2. 이론적 배경
    2.1 농업 R&D의 주요 특징
    2.2 기술사업화 과정 및 공공기술이전
    2.3 국가R&D 사업화 성공 요인 분석
    2.4 델파이(Delphi) 기법
    2.5 로지스틱 회귀분석(Logistic Regression)
3. 분석 절차 및 방법
    3.1 자료수집 대상 및 분석 절차
    3.2 델파이 및 FGI 조사
    3.3 농산업체 대상 사업화 성공 요인 조사
4. 분석 결과 및 고찰
    4.1 1차 델파이 설문
    4.2 2차 델파이 설문
    4.3 전문가 집단면접(FGI)
    4.4 농산업체 설문기반 로지스틱 회귀분석
5. 결 론
  • Yeongheon Song(Department of Venture and Start-up, Korea Agriculture Technology Promotion Agency) | 송영헌 (한국농업기술진흥원 벤처창업본부)
  • Jungin Lee(Department of Venture and Start-up, Korea Agriculture Technology Promotion Agency) | 이정인 (한국농업기술진흥원 벤처창업본부)
  • Junki Kim(Department of Venture and Start-up, Korea Agriculture Technology Promotion Agency) | 김준기 (한국농업기술진흥원 벤처창업본부)
  • Euiung Hwang(Department of Venture and Start-up, Korea Agriculture Technology Promotion Agency) | 황의웅 (한국농업기술진흥원 벤처창업본부)
  • Inyong Eom(Department of Venture and Start-up, Korea Agriculture Technology Promotion Agency) | 엄인용 (한국농업기술진흥원 벤처창업본부) Corresponding author