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소규모 사업장에서 내부 이해관계자들 간의 연계가 산업재해에 미치는 영향: 사업주의 안전의지, 관리감독자의 안전리더십, 근로자 참여를 중심으로 KCI 등재후보

A Study on the Effect of the Linkage among Internal Stakeholders in Small Businesses on Industrial Accident: Focusing on the Safety Commiment of the Business Owner, Safety Leadership of the Supervisor and the Participation of Workers

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/429056
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 4,300원
대한안전경영과학회지 (Journal of Korea Safety Management & Science)
대한안전경영과학회 (Korea Safety Management & Science)

This study attempted to provide implications by analyzing the impact of business Owner’s safety commitment on industrial accidents and examining the mediating role of management supervisors’ safety leadership and worker participation. Analysis was conducted on 2,067 manufacturing sites with 20 to 50 employees in the 10th Occupational Safety and Health Survey data. SPSS waw used to secure the reliability of the measurement variable. Hypothesis vertification was carried out after securing the suitability and validity of the structural model using AMOS. The direct impact of three latent variables on industrial accidents was confirmed: the business owner’s safety commitment, the management supervisor’s safety leadership, and the worker participation. The employer’s safety will and the management supervisor’s safety leadership do not directly affect industial accidents, but it has been verified that worker participation has a diret impact on industrial accident reduction. In addition, it has been confirmed that the safety leadership and worker participation of the management. Supervior have a complete mediating effect on the reduction of industrial accidents by mediating with the safety leadership of the management supervior and the participation of the workers. This study analyzed the impact on industrial accidents by dividing the stakeholders constituting the workplace into three classes: business owners, superviors, and workers, but the results suggest that employers and all workers inside the workplace may be organically linked to achieving the goal of reducing industrial accidents. Therefore, in order to establish an autonomous safety management system for safety and health at workerplaces, efforts are needed to reduce industrial accidents in their respective location by forming an organic community among internal stakeholders.

1. 서 론
2. 연구방법
    2.1 연구대상
    2.2 연구방법
    2.3 분석방법
3. 연구결과
    3.1 탐색적 요인분석
    3.2 확인적 요인분석
    3.3 가설 검증
4. 고 찰
5. 결 론
6. References
저자 소개
  • 최진우(인하대학교 환경안전융합전공) | Jin-Woo Choi (Program in ET & ST Convergence, INHA University)
  • 이익모(인하대학교 환경안전융합전공) | Ik-Mo Lee (Program in ET & ST Convergence, INHA University)
  • 김홍관(인하대학교 환경안전융합전공) | Duk-Han Kim (Program in ET & ST Convergence, INHA University)
  • 김덕한(인하대학교 환경안전융합전공) | Duk-Han Kim (Program in ET & ST Convergence, INHA University)
  • 천영우(인하대학교 환경안전융합전공) | Young-Woo Chon (Program in ET & ST Convergence, INHA University) Corresponding author