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Interpreting and Analyzing the Character 得 in Mencius : Insights from Four Commentaries

《孟子》中“得”字釋義與思想探研 ——基於四家注疏分析

  • 언어ENG
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/429081
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 8,400원
세계한자학회 (The Wolrd Association of Chinese Characters Studies)

According to traditional philological materials such as Shuowen Jiezi and oracle bone inscriptions, the original meaning of the character 得 is “get”. This article takes the Book of Mencius as closed materials, exhaustively categorizing all entries of 得 in Mencius, totaling 114 examples. Then we analyze semantic content and grammatical features references to the four commentaries from Zhao Qi , Sun Shi, Zhu Xi, Jiao Xun. We find that all examples of 得 are used as verbs, but there are 12 examples where it is used as a delexical verb, exemplifies the gradual trend of semantic attenuation of 得. After conducting linguistic analysis of the character 得, we explore its manifestation of the philosophical ideas in Mencius, including aspects of personal cultivation, interpersonal relationships, and governance wisdom. Through the interaction of language and cultural analysis, we further deepen our study of the language theory and ancient classics culture.

根據《說文解字》等傳統文獻資料和出土文獻材料,考證出“得”字本義是 “得到”。研究選取《孟子》作為封閉的研究範圍,對其中所有“得”字的詞條例句進行統 計,共114例。繼而結合趙岐、孫奭、朱熹、焦循四家註疏,逐一分析各條目中“得”字 的詞義內容與語法特徵。研究發現,《孟子》中“得”字全部用作動詞,共有12個具體 意義,包括得到、實現、發現、能夠、接受、贏得、擁有等。在這一時期,“得”字也 有形式動詞的用法,有“得見”、“得為”、“得兼”等組合,有利於更加細緻地研究“得”字 意義的虛化過程。在對“得”字進行語言學分析之後,研究從個人修養、人際關係、治 國理政等方面,探討其背後蘊含的孟子哲學思想。在語言與文化分析的雙向互動中, 深化了語言理論與古代典籍思想內容研究。

1. Original Meaning of the Character 得
2. Analysis of the Meanings of the Character 得in Mencius
    2.1. 得 Functions as a Verb with Substantive Meaning
    2.2. 得 as a Delexical Verb
3. Cultural Connotations of the Character 得 in Mencius
    3.1. The Aspect of Personal Cultivation
    3.2. The Aspect of Interpersonal Interaction
    3.3. The Aspect of Governance and Administration
4. Summary
  • Chuan-wei ZHANG(Beijing Normal University, China) | 張傳偉 (北京師範大學)