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聊斋志异与天倪录伦理结构与伦理意识的比较 KCI 등재

  • 언어CHI
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/429158
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 6,000원
中國學 (중국학)
대한중국학회 (Korean Association For Chinese Studies)

文学文本中的普遍性伦理现象是文学伦理学批评中重点关注的问题,文学作品中的伦 理问题体现在伦理线和伦理结中,二者又共同织就了文学文本中的整个伦理结构,深刻反 映了作品中的伦理意识。其中,伦理线从宏观方面表现了作品的伦理主线及主导性伦理问 题的发生发展状况;伦理结从微观方面表现了作品中的基本伦理问题及矛盾和冲突还有伦 理困境的形成与消解。因此,本文选取中韩两国古代志怪小说的代表作聊斋志异与天 倪录,主要从两部作品艺术设置中的伦理线和伦理叙事中的伦理结这两个方面来分析作 品中的伦理结构和伦理内涵。包括艺术设置中非人形象与作者自评对伦理线的体现,以及 类型叙事对伦理结的建构和因果报应叙事对伦理结的解构这几个方面。运用比较研究的分 析方法,探讨两部作品中体现出的不同层次的伦理意识和伦理内涵,阐述不同国家时代背 景下的伦理问题和伦理原因,提供伦理启发。

The universal ethical phenomenon in literary texts is a key concern in literary ethics criticism. Ethical issues in literary works are reflected in ethical line and ethical knot, and the two together weave the entire literary text. The ethical structure deeply reflects the ethical consciousness in the works. Among them, the ethical line shows the main ethical line of the work and the occurrence and development of leading ethical issues from a macro perspective;The ethical knot shows the basic ethical issues, contradictions and conflicts in the works, as well as the formation and resolution of ethical dilemmas from the microcosmic aspect. Therefore, this article selects the masterpieces of ancient strange novels in China and South Korea, LiaoZhaiZhiYi(聊斋志异) and TianNiLu(天倪录), to explore the ethical consciousness embodied in the works. The ethical structure and ethical connotation in the works are mainly analyzed from the two aspects of the ethical line in the artistic setting of the two works and the ethical knot in the ethical narrative.Including the embodiment of non-human images in the art setting and the author's self-evaluation on the ethical line, as well as the construction of the ethical knot by the genre narrative and the deconstruction of the ethical knot by the karma narrative.Using the analytical method of comparative research, explore the different levels of ethical consciousness and ethical connotation reflected in the two works, explain the ethical issues and ethical reasons under the background of different countries and times, and provide ethical inspiration.

1. 绪论
2. 聊斋志异与天倪录的伦理线与伦理意识
3. 聊斋志异与天倪录的伦理结与伦理意识
4. 结语
  • 程竹慧(第一作者。岭南大学中国语言文化学系博士生) | 청쭈후이
  • 朴明真(通讯作者。岭南大学中国语言文化学系教授) | 박명진 Corresponding author
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