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辽宁省老字号品牌的植入式广告显著度和内容契合度 对消费者购买意愿的影响 KCI 등재

The Impact of the Saliency and Content Fit of Implantable Advertisements for Time Honored Brands in Liaoning Province on Consumer Purchase Intention

  • 언어CHI
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/429521
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 6,700원
中國學 (중국학)
대한중국학회 (Korean Association For Chinese Studies)

To reveal the mechanism of the effect of the saliency and content fit of implantable advertising of time-honored brands in Liaoning Province on consumer purchase intention, a three relationship model was constructed based on the S-O-R theory and empirically tested. Research has shown that both the saliency and content fit of implantable advertising have a significant positive impact on consumer purchase intention, and perceived value plays a significant role in the saliency of implantable advertising; There is a significant mediating effect between content fit and consumer purchase intention. This study reveals the complex mechanism of the impact of the saliency and content fit of implantable advertising on consumer purchase intention of time-honored brands in Liaoning Province, providing theoretical support for improving the promotional effect of time-honored brands.

为揭示辽宁省老字号品牌的植入式广告显著度和内容契合度对消费者购买意愿之间的 作用机制,基于S-O-R理论构建了三者关系模型并对其加以实证检验。研究表明: 植入式 广告显著度和内容契合度均对消费者的购买意愿产生显著的正向影响作用,并且感知价值 在植入式广告显著度;内容契合度和消费者的购买意愿之间起显著的中介作用。揭示了辽 宁省老字号品牌的植入式广告显著度和内容契合度对消费者购买意愿影响的复杂作用机 理,为提升老字号品牌的宣传效果提供理论支撑。

1. 引言
    1) 研究背景
    2) 文献回顾
    3) 研究问题
    4) 研究对象的内容与特点
    5) 理论意义
    6) 实践意义
2. 理论背景
    1) 植入式广告
    2) 老字号品牌的植入式广告显著度
    3) 抖音平台上广告营销方式的特征
    4) 品牌内容契合度
    5) 消费者对老字号品牌的购买意愿
3. 模型设计
    1) 理论基础
    2) 研究假设
    3) 研究变量设定
    4) 问卷设计
4. 实证研究
    1) 信度效度分析
    2) 检验假设
5. 研究结论与启示
    1) 研究结论
    2) 对策建议
  • 杨琳(大连外国语大学国际艺术学院副教授) | 양림
  • 刘虹(大连外国语大学国际艺术学院教授) | 류홍
  • 芮东根(韩国国立釜庆大学教授) | 예동근 Corresponding author
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