본 연구에서는 과불화합물 PFOA와 PFOS potassium salt가 Mesocentrotus nudus의 10 min-수 정률과 48 h-정상유생발생률에 미치는 독성영향을 반수영향농도, 무영향농도, 최소영향농도 등 의 독성값 계산을 통해 확인하였다. PFOA와 PFOS potassium salt에 대한 10 min-수정률의 EC50 값은 각각 1346.43 mg/l와 536.18 mg/l로 나타났으며, 48 h-정상유생발생률의 EC50 값은 각각 42.67 mg/l와 17.81 mg/l로 나타났다. 최근 연구에 의하면, 환경 내의 PFOA와 PFOS의 농도는 지속적으로 감소하였으며, 성게류에게 급성독성을 나타낼 정도는 아닌 것으로 나타났다. 하지 만 생물체내에서는 여전히 높은 농도로 관측되고 있다. 결국, PFOA와 PFOS는 생물체의 생애 전주기에 걸쳐 체내 축적이 가능하기 때문에, 연안환경에 서식하는 해양생물을 이용한 생애 전주기적 만성독성 연구가 필요할 것이다.
In this study, the toxic effects of PFOA and PFOS potassium salt on Mesocentrotus nudus using 10 min-fertilization rate and 48 h-normal embryogenesis were confirmed through the calculation of toxicity values such as Non-observed effective concentration, Lowobserved effective concentration, and 50% of effective concentration. The case of 10 minfertilization rate and 48 h-normal embryogenesis showed the concentration-dependent reduction pattern when exposed to PFOA and PFOS potassium salt, in tested concentration, respectively. The EC50 values of 10 min-fertilization rates for PFOA and PFOS potassium salt were 1346.43 mg/l and 536.18 mg/l, respectively, and the EC50 values of 48 h-normal embryogenesis were 42.67 mg/l and 17.81 mg/l, respectively. Both toxicity test methods showed high toxicity sensitivity to PFOS potassium salt. Recent studies have shown that the concentration of PFOA and PFOS in the marine environment has continuously decreased, and it is not enough to show acute toxicity to sea urchin. However, PFOA and PFOS have a very long half-life and can accumulate throughout the life of marine life, so it is still observed at a high concentration in shellfish. Therefore, a study on chronic toxicity through the whole-life cycle of marine organisms in coastal environments should be needed.