Minimizing of radiation exposure for the operating and decommissioning personnel is a key indicator for safe operation of the NPP. This is reflected in the application of the ALARA (As Low As Reasonable Achievable) principle. The main objectives of radiation management during full system decontamination for NPP decommissioning are to reduce the exposure dose, prevent contamination of the body and reduce solid radioactive waste. In order to reduce exposure of workers, the dose rate should be reduced by installing a temporary shield after evaluating the dose rate for the piping, component and decontamination equipment of the decontamination path before full system decontamination. Furthermore, unnecessary exposure to radiation should be reduced by thoroughly entering and exciting the radiation area and limiting the access to the high-radiation area except for workers or persons concerned. A telemetric dosimetry system should be as installed to remotely monitor radiation levels at different locations within the decontamination flow path. Remote monitoring of radiation fields using teledosimetry worked well in assessing process effectiveness and is highly recommended. However, care must be taken to place the detectors in appropriate locations. For the prevent of body contamination, it is necessary to install a fence using a heat-resistant waterproof sheet to prevent leakage of highly radioactive contamination water. When replacing high-dose filters and ion exchange resins, it is necessary to remotely monitor to reduce the exposure dose of workers.