Commercial operation of KORI Unit 1 ended in 2017, and the final decommissioning plan is currently under approval from the KINS. In order for the dismantling waste to go to the repository, it is judged that the radioactive waste generated during the commercial operation should be treated and disposed in advance. Among these radioactive wastes, spent filters contain various radionuclides. The radiation dose rate from the radiation coming out of the filters ranges from a low dose rate to high dose rate. Therefore, in order to handle the spent filters, a remote processing system is required to reduce the radiation exposure of workers. This paper evaluates the radioactive inventory of filters that are stored in the filter room at the KORI unit #1. For this purpose, a method for predicting the radioactivity of each nuclide in the filter, based on the radiation dose rate, has been described using the MicroShield code, which is a commercial shielding code. The information on the filters in the field has only the creation date, type, size, and surface dose rate. In order to evaluate the radioactivity inventory using such limited data, it is possible to know the nuclide radioactivity ratio in the filter. We took out some of the filters stored on site and measured from using the ISCOS system, a gamma nuclide analyzer. The radioactivity of each nuclide in the filter was inferred by modeling with the MicroShield code, based on the radiation dose rate and the radioactivity value of each nuclide measured in the field.