In nuclear power plant environments, the analysis of gamma-emitting waste materials with complex shapes can be challenging. ISOCS (In-Situ Objective Counting System) is employed to measure the gamma-emitting radionuclide concentrations. However, it is crucial to validate the accuracy of ISOCS measurements. This study aims to validate the accuracy of ISOCS measurement results for spent filters. The ISOCS measurement process begins with modeling and efficiency calculations of the target spent filters using ISOCS software. ISOCS offers the advantage of direct measurement assessment by incorporating shielding materials and collimators into the detector efficiency calculation during the modeling process, without the need for separate efficiency correction sources. To validate the accuracy of ISOCS measurement results, the measured radioactivity values were used as input data for the MicroShield computer code to derive dose rates. These dose rates were then compared to the dose rates measured on-site, confirming the reliability of ISOCS measurements. In the field, ISOCS gamma measurements and surface dose rates were measured for three Cavity filters and four RCP Seal Injection filters. The measured dose rate for the Cavity filters was around 270 Svhr, and the computed values using MicroShield showed an error of approximately 12%. Despite modeling and calculation errors in computer analysis and potential uncertainties in the measurement environment and instrument, the computed values closely matched the measured values. However, the measured dose rate for the RCP Seal Injection filters ranged 2.9~8 Svhr, which is very low and close to background levels. When compared to the results of computer analysis, an error ranging from 27% to 97% was observed. It is concluded that validating the accuracy in the low dose rate range close to background levels is challenging through a comparison of calculated and measured dose rates.
The characterization of nuclear materials is crucial for global nuclear safeguards efforts, as these materials can potentially be used for illicit purposes. In this study, we evaluated the applicability and performance of the In-Situ Object Counting System (ISOCS) equipment for the characterization and quantification of uranium, including uranium pellets and radioactive wastes. Our methodology involved using ISOCS to measure samples with different enrichments and total amounts of uranium, and to analyze the results in order to evaluate the ISOCS’s effectiveness in accurately characterizing the various uranium samples. To this end, we compared the ISOCS results with those of the Multi-Group Analysis for Uranium (MGAU) system, which is currently used in the field of international safeguards. The results of this study showed that the ISOCS was sensitive enough to analyze small amounts of uranium pellet, with %differences ranging from -0.7% to 19%. However, when analyzing shielded nuclear materials like in concrete waste, the uncertainty was relatively high, with %differences ranging from 11% to 67%. On the other hand, the MGAU system was unable to analyze uranium for the same spectrum, indicating the superiority of the ISOCS in terms of usability. The ISOCS instrument was also found to be effective in analyzing uranium in various types of samples without the need of standard sources. Overall, the findings of this study have important implications for the development of more effective safeguards strategies for the characterization of nuclear materials. The ISOCS instrument could be a reliable tool for analyzing nuclear materials, contributing to global safeguards efforts to reduce the risk of nuclear proliferation.
Commercial operation of KORI Unit 1 ended in 2017, and the final decommissioning plan is currently under approval from the KINS. In order for the dismantling waste to go to the repository, it is judged that the radioactive waste generated during the commercial operation should be treated and disposed in advance. Among these radioactive wastes, spent filters contain various radionuclides. The radiation dose rate from the radiation coming out of the filters ranges from a low dose rate to high dose rate. Therefore, in order to handle the spent filters, a remote processing system is required to reduce the radiation exposure of workers. This paper evaluates the radioactive inventory of filters that are stored in the filter room at the KORI unit #1. For this purpose, a method for predicting the radioactivity of each nuclide in the filter, based on the radiation dose rate, has been described using the MicroShield code, which is a commercial shielding code. The information on the filters in the field has only the creation date, type, size, and surface dose rate. In order to evaluate the radioactivity inventory using such limited data, it is possible to know the nuclide radioactivity ratio in the filter. We took out some of the filters stored on site and measured from using the ISCOS system, a gamma nuclide analyzer. The radioactivity of each nuclide in the filter was inferred by modeling with the MicroShield code, based on the radiation dose rate and the radioactivity value of each nuclide measured in the field.
For the peaceful use of nuclear energy, the international community has devoted itself to fulfilling its obligations under the Safeguards Agreement with IAEA. In this regard, uranium in a radioactive waste drum should be analyzed and reported in terms of mass and 235U enrichment. In order to characterize radioactive wastes, gamma spectroscopy techniques can be effectively applied. In the case of high-resolution gamma spectroscopy, because an HPGe detector can provide excellent energy resolution, it can be applied to analyze a mixture having a complicated isotopic composition. However, other substances such as wood, concrete, and ash are mixed in radioactive waste with various form factors; hence, the efficiency calibration is difficult. On the other hand, In Situ Object Counting System (ISOCS) has a capability of efficiency calibration without standard materials, making it possible to analyze complex radioactive wastes. In this study, the analysis procedure with the ISOCS was optimized for quantification of radioactive waste. To this end, a standard radioactive waste drum at KEPCO NF and low-level radioactive waste drums at Korea Radioactive Waste Agency (KORAD) were measured. The performance of the ISOCS was then evaluated by Monte Carlo simulations, Multi-Group Analysis for Uranium (MGAU) code, and destructive analysis. As a result, the ISOCS showed good performance in the quantification of uranium for a drum with the homogenized simple geometry and long measurement time. It is confirmed that the ISOCS gamma spectroscopy technique could be used for control and accountancy of nuclear materials contained in a radioactive waste drum.