In order to ensure the long-term safety of a deep geological repository, the performance assessment of the Engineered Barrier System (EBS) considering a thermal process should be performed. The maximum temperature at the side wall of a disposal canister for the technical design requirement should not exceed 100°C. In this study, the thermal modelling was conducted to analyze the effects of the thermal process from a disposal canister to the surrounding near-field host rock using the PFLOTRAN code. The mesh was generated using the LaGriT code and the material properties were assigned by applying the FracMan code. Initial conditions were set as the average geothermal gradient (25.7°C/km) and an average surface temperature (14.7°C) in Korea. The highest temperature was observed at the middle of the canister side wall. The temperature of the buffer was lower than that of the canister, and the temperature increase of the deposition tunnel and the host rock was insignificant due to the lower effect of the heat source. The result of the thermal evolution of the EBS represented the highest thermal effects in the vicinity of the canister. In addition, the thermal effects were largely decreased after 10 years of the entire simulation period. It demonstrated that the model took 3 years to heat up the buffer around the canister. The temperature at the canister side wall increased until 3 years and then decreased after that time. This is because that the radioactive decay heat from the heat source was emitted enough to raise the overall temperature of the EBS by 3 years. However, the decay heat rate of the canister decreased exponentially with the disposal time and then its decay heat was not emitted enough after 3 years. In conclusion, the peak temperature results of the EBS were lower than 70°C to meet the technical design requirement.