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울산지역 유통 발효주의 잔류농약 및 중금속 실태조사 KCI 등재

Monitoring of Pesticide Residues and Heavy Metals in Fermented Liquor in Ulsan

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/434960
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한국식품위생안전성학회지 (Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety)
한국식품위생안전성학회 (Korean Society of Food Hygiene and Safety)

발효주의 잔류물질 실태조사를 위해 울산지역에서 유통 되는 발효주 150건을 수거하여 잔류농약 400종과 중금속 납, 카드뮴, 수은을 분석하였다. 잔류농약 분석 결과, 102 건(68%)의 검출을 나타냈으며 검출된 농약 종류는 35종 으로 그 중 원료 농산물의 기준이 없는 농약은 4종이 검 출되었다. 발효주 종류별로 비교하면 와인이 60건의 검사 중 54건(90%)으로 가장 많은 잔류농약이 검출되었고 맥 주는 60건 중 37건(61.7%), 막걸리는 30건 중 11건(36.7%) 이 검출되었다. 발효주에 대한 중금속 분석 결과는 납 73 건(48.7%), 카드뮴은 9건(6.0%), 수은은 36건(24.0%)을 나 타내었다. 납은 73건의 검출 중 와인이 57건(78.1%)을 차 지해 가장 높은 검출을 나타내었고 카드뮴과 수은은 검출 된 9건, 36건 중 막걸리가 7건(77.8%), 13건(36.1%)으로 가장 많이 검출되었다. 각 품목에서 검출된 잔류농약 및 중금속 항목에 대해 인체노출량 평가결과는 모두 1% 미 만으로 안전한 것으로 나타났다.

In this study, we investigated in pesticide residues and heavy metals in fermented liquor products (wine, beer, makgeolli). Targeted analysis of 400 pesticide residues in the sample was performed using the quick, easy, cheap, effective, rugged, and safe (QuEChERS) extraction method, followed by gas chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) and LC-MS/MS. The contents of heavy metals (Pb, Cd) were determined by ICP-MS using the microwave method. The mercury was measured using a mercury analyzer. From the analysis of 150 cases, 102 (68.0%) cases of fermented liquor were detected, and 35 pesticide residues (including metalaxyl, mandipropamid, azoxystrobin, and fenhexamid) were detected among the 400 pesticide residues tested. Pb, Cd, and Hg were tested in 150 samples. Lead was detected in 73 samples (48.7%), cadmium in 9 samples (6.0%), and mercury in 36 samples (24.0%). Exposure assessment was conducted to determine the safety of the detected pesticide residues and heavy metals. According to this assessment, the pesticide residues and heavy metals showed very low %ADI values (less than 1%).

Materials and Methods
    표준물질 및 시약
    분석기기 및 조건
    잔류농약 분석방법
    중금속 분석방법
Results and Discussion
    분석법 검증
    잔류농약 분석 결과
    중금속 분석결과
    검출 항목의 노출량조사
Conflict of interests
  • 김희정(울산보건환경연구원 농수산물검사소) | Hee-Jung Kim (Agricultural and Fishery products Inspection Office, Ulsan Metropolitan City Health and Environment Research Institute, Ulsan, Korea) Corresponding author
  • 김경진(울산보건환경연구원 농수산물검사소) | Kyoung-Jin Kim (Agricultural and Fishery products Inspection Office, Ulsan Metropolitan City Health and Environment Research Institute, Ulsan, Korea)
  • 김민경(울산보건환경연구원 농수산물검사소) | Min-Kyung Kim (Agricultural and Fishery products Inspection Office, Ulsan Metropolitan City Health and Environment Research Institute, Ulsan, Korea)
  • 김금비(울산보건환경연구원 농수산물검사소) | Geum-Bi Kim (Agricultural and Fishery products Inspection Office, Ulsan Metropolitan City Health and Environment Research Institute, Ulsan, Korea)
  • 김수희(울산보건환경연구원 농수산물검사소) | Su-Hee Kim (Agricultural and Fishery products Inspection Office, Ulsan Metropolitan City Health and Environment Research Institute, Ulsan, Korea)
  • 조영경(울산보건환경연구원 농수산물검사소) | Young-Kyung Jo (Agricultural and Fishery products Inspection Office, Ulsan Metropolitan City Health and Environment Research Institute, Ulsan, Korea)
  • 박주은(울산보건환경연구원 농수산물검사소) | Ju-Eun Park (Agricultural and Fishery products Inspection Office, Ulsan Metropolitan City Health and Environment Research Institute, Ulsan, Korea)
  • 정소연(울산보건환경연구원 농수산물검사소) | So-Yeon Jeong (Agricultural and Fishery products Inspection Office, Ulsan Metropolitan City Health and Environment Research Institute, Ulsan, Korea)
  • 서원덕(울산보건환경연구원 농수산물검사소) | Won-Dug Seo (Agricultural and Fishery products Inspection Office, Ulsan Metropolitan City Health and Environment Research Institute, Ulsan, Korea)
  • 최영선(울산보건환경연구원 농수산물검사소) | Young-Sun Choi (Agricultural and Fishery products Inspection Office, Ulsan Metropolitan City Health and Environment Research Institute, Ulsan, Korea)