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Sino-Korean Rhyming Dictionaries and Their Historical Value in the Context of Contact Linguistics


  • 언어ENG
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/435031
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세계한자학회 (The Wolrd Association of Chinese Characters Studies)

Contact linguistics takes the series of linguistic phenomena in the process of language contact as the research content, and explores the changes of the languages and their results. When language contact occurs between Chinese and Korean, the linguistic phenomena occurring in the aspects of phonology, syntax, vocabulary, and characters are one of the important results. Sino-Korean Rhyme Dictionaries are language tools that are mainly arranged by rhyme. Such dictionaries annotate the pronunciation of Chinese characters, correcting the incorrect pronunciation of Chinese characters in Korea, and occasionally interpreting the meaning, and recording some glyphs of variants, which provide the convenience for extracting poems and lyrics, as well as reciting rhyming characters. From the perspective of the developmental history of Chinese dictionaries in Korea, rhyming books are the beginning of Chinese dictionaries in Korea, which have abundant content and significant value, and are indispensable and valuable materials for the study of Chinese-Korean contact linguistics.

接觸語言學以語言接觸過程中產生的系列語言現象為研究內容,探討語言的 變化及其結果。中韓語言接觸時,發生在語音、語法、詞彙、文字等方面語言現像是 中韓語言接觸的重要結果之一。韓國漢文韻書主要按韻歸類編排的語文工具書。韓國 漢文韻書以注釋漢字字音、訂正韓國錯誤漢字音爲主,間或釋義,並收録一些異體字 字形,爲賦詩作詞提取和背誦韻字提供方便。從韓國漢文辭書的發展歷史來看,韻書 是韓國漢文辭書的發端,其內容豐富,價值重大,是中韓接觸語言學研究不可或缺的 寶貴資料

1. Introduction
    1.1. The Meaning of Sino-Korean Rhyming Dictionaries
    1.2. Language Contact and Contact Linguistics
2. Overview of the Development of Chinese Dictionaries in Korea
    2.1. Background of the Compilation of Chinese Dictionaries
    2.2. The Development of Chinese Dictionaries
    2.3. Types of Chinese Dictionaries in Korea
3. The Historical Value of Sino-Korean Rhyming Dictionaries
4. Conclusion
  • Ping WANG(Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Hong Kong Shue Yan University) | 王平 (香港樹仁大學中國語言文學系)