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开化派金玉均对日观的转变及意义 KCI 등재

The change and significance of Jinyujun’s view on Japan

  • 언어CHI
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/435480
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 4,300원
한국과 국제사회 (Korea and Global Affairs)
한국정치사회연구소 (Korea Institute of Politics and Society)

Kim ok-kyun, the leader of the Enlightenment in modern Korea, went through the process of imitating Japan's modernization model and gradually realized the one-sided transformation.The fundamental reason for Kim ok-kyun's change of outlook on Japan is his continuous contact with Japan, his in-depth understanding of Japan, and his changing relationship with Japan. Although the concept of "Sanheism" was not realized, but the change of Kim ok-kyun's view on Japan is still has a great significance to the development of modern Korean and East Asian history.

近代朝鲜开化派领袖金玉均的对日观,经历了从青睐模仿日本近代化模 式,到逐渐意识到这种对日观带有片面性的转变过程,最终提出中朝日三 国联合以抵御欧美列强侵略并实现东亚各国近代化的“三和主义”。金玉均 对日观转变的根本原因正是他不断接触日本、对日本进行深入了解,和日 本关系不断发生变化的结果,其遭受暗杀的悲惨结局也源于这种对日观的 转变。尽管“三和主义”构想随着金玉均在上海遭遇暗杀而未能实现,但是 金玉均对日观的转变和“三和主义”构想对近代朝鲜和近代东亚历史的发 展,及近代亚洲共同和平发展仍具有重要意义。

Ⅰ. 引言
Ⅱ. 金玉均对日本近代化的青睐
Ⅲ. 甲申政变的自主性
Ⅳ. 金玉均流亡日本及对日本的重新认识
Ⅴ. “三和主义”构想的提出及意义
Ⅵ. 结论

  • 刘智鹏(延边大学) | Liu Zhipeng (Yanbian University)