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百年大变局下中国与东盟10+1合作机制的发展探究 KCI 등재

An exploration of the development of the China-ASEAN (10+1) cooperation mechanism under the momentous changes in a century

  • 언어CHI
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/435481
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한국과 국제사회 (Korea and Global Affairs)
한국정치사회연구소 (Korea Institute of Politics and Society)

In recent years, the world has been undergoing a "century of great changes", and the global political and economic landscape is undergoing profound changes. The development of regional economic and political integration continues to be dynamic. As an important part of the East Asian regional economy, China- Asean (10+1) cooperation is booming, but the regional economic development mechanism in East Asia is not yet sound. In the future, China-Asean (10+1) cooperation should not only be based on enhancing East Asia's comprehensive competitiveness in the global context, but also seize the opportunity of profound changes not seen in a century to further improve the cooperation mechanism.

近年来,世界身处“百年大变局”之中,全球政治经济格局正经历深刻变 革,诸多全球性问题亟待解决。在这一背景下,区域经济和政治一体化发 展持续活跃。中国-东盟(10+1)合作作为东亚区域经济的重要组成部分, 虽取得蓬勃发展,但多年来的东亚区域经济的发展机制尚未达到欧盟的健 全程度。展望未来十年,中国-东盟(10+1)合作应立足于提升东亚区域在 全球范围内的综合竞争力,对东盟10+3合作发挥示范引领作用,抓住世界 百年大变局之机,进一步完善合作机制。在落实既有合作基础上,寻求发 展与合作理念及模式的创新突破,推动中国-东盟(10+1)命运共同体高质 量发展。

Ⅰ. 引言
Ⅱ. 中国与东盟10+1合作的逻辑
    1. 文明驱动之变
    2. 世界格局之变
    3. 世界结构之变
    4. 发展逻辑之变
    1. 政治领域:睦邻友好关系定位进一步凸显
    2. 经济领域:互补性的多层次系统整合
    3. 安全领域:相互安全依赖局面稳步提升
    4. 文化领域:多渠道的交流互鉴提升共识
    1. 地缘政治风险与政治互信不足
    2. 区域一体化进程缓慢与经贸合作不平衡
    3. 非传统安全威胁与急需健全的机制
    4. 文化差异与沟通障碍
Ⅴ. 结论

  • 赵保华(延边大学) | Zhao Baohua (Yanbian University)