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공유형 전동킥보드 주차구획에 대한 주차용량 KCI 등재

Determination of Parking Capacity for Shared E-scooter Parking Spaces

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/436312
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 4,200원
한국도로학회논문집 (International journal of highway engineering)
한국도로학회 (Korean Society of Road Engineers)

PURPOSES : This study presents a formula for calculating the parking capacity of shared e-scooter parking spaces using the dimensions of the clearance spaces of sidewalks. The details are as follows: First, the discontinuity angle of the parking unit placement is derived. Second, the parameters of the sidewalk clearance lengths are derived. Third, a formula for calculating the parking capacity of shared e-scooter parking spaces is derived. Finally, we examine the applicability of the parking capacity calculation formula to actual sidewalk clearance spaces. METHODS : Based on literature reviews, a formula for the discontinuity angle of parking unit placement was derived using the sidewalk clearance widths and the geometric structure of parking units. Formulas for the parameters of the sidewalk clearance lengths were derived using the sidewalk clearance lengths and the geometric structure of the parking units. A formula for parking capacity calculation was derived using the formula for the parameters of the sidewalk clearance lengths and the discontinuity angle. Examples of the application of the parking capacity calculation formula to actual sidewalk clearance spaces are presented. RESULTS : The results of this study are listed as follows: The discontinuity angle for the placement of standard shared e-scooter parking units was derived. Additionally, a formula for the sidewalk clearance lengths was derived. Moreover, a formula for calculating the parking capacity of shared e-scooter parking spaces based on sidewalk clearance lengths and widths was derived. Finally, examples of the application of the parking capacity calculation formula to actual sidewalk clearance spaces are presented. CONCLUSIONS : A formula for calculation of the parking capacity of shared e-scooter parking spaces using the dimensions of the clearance space of sidewalks was derived and proposed. The parking capacity calculation formula presented in this study can contribute to the design of parking spaces to accommodate dockless shared e-scooters on sidewalks. Furthermore, it can also contribute to accommodating other types of dockless mobility. Future research can focus on designing parking spaces that consider the parking demands for shared e-scooters.

1. 연구배경 및 목적
2. 문헌연구
    2.1. 공유형 전동킥보드 주차
    2.2. 보행로 여유공간
    2.3. 공유형 전동킥보드 주차구획
3. 연구 방법
    3.1. 주차용량 산정공식 도출
    3.2. 주차용량 산정공식 적용사례 활용
4. 주차용량 산정공식 도출과정
    4.1. 제약조건
    4.2. 산정공식 도출과정
5. 주차용량 산정공식 도출결과
6. 주차용량 산정공식의 활용
    6.1. 평행주차의 경우
    6.2. 각도주차의 경우
    6.3. 직각주차의 경우
7. 결론
  • 구건형(경기대학교 도시, 교통공학과 석사과정) | Gu Gun-hyeong
  • 오흥운(경기대학교 도시, 교통공학과 교수) | Oh Heung-un (Professor, Department of Urban & Transportaion Engineering College of Engineering, Iui-dong San 94-6, Youngtong-gu, Suwon-si, Kyonggi-do 16227, Korea) Corresponding author