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Development of LED wedding hairpin design using wearable technology KCI 등재

웨어러블 테크놀로지를 적용한 LED 웨딩 헤어핀 디자인 개발

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/436609
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 4,800원
복식문화연구 (The Research Journal of the Costume Culture)
복식문화학회 (The Costume Culture Association)

Wearable technology is expected to maintain continuous marketability and prospects, with its scope gradually expanding beyond the fashion sector to encompass fashion accessories. Meanwhile, the wedding industry is currently reflecting consumer preferences that emphasize individuality and emotional connection. As wedding trends evolve, there is a growing interest in unique and differentiated wedding styles. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to create high-value designs by integrating wearable LED technology into wedding accessories and dresses to meet the emotional needs of modern consumers. To achieve this, we analyzed the LED wedding accessories currently available in the market. Based on the findings, we designed and developed new such accessories and dresses through planning, development, and production processes. First, the study found out that LED wedding accessories are gaining attention as high-value products. Second, a survey of the domestic market for LED wedding accessories highlighted the needs for wedding dress designs that can be paired with LED hairpins. Third, we used Lilypad Arduino’s Lily Tiny to design and develop LED wedding hairpins and dresses through a production process. Finally, by styling LED wedding hairpins and dresses together, we demonstrated the potential in creating products that blend emotion and technology, in line with the current wearable technology trends. Overall, this study offers a fresh perspective on design development in wedding accessories.

I.􀀃 Introduction
Ⅱ.􀀃 Background
    1.􀀎Wearable􀀎 technology􀀎 and􀀎 the􀀎 Arduino􀀎 Lilypad
    2.􀀎 LED􀀎 fashion􀀎 accessory􀀎 design􀀎 examples􀀎 and􀀎research
Ⅲ.􀀃 Methods
Ⅳ.􀀃 Developing􀀃 a􀀃 Wedding􀀃 Accessory􀀃Design􀀃 with􀀃 Wearable􀀃 Technology
    2.􀀎 LED􀀎 wedding􀀎 accessory􀀎 design􀀎 evolution􀀎 process
    3.􀀎 LED􀀎 wedding􀀎 accessory􀀎 design􀀎 development􀀎process
    4.􀀎 Styling􀀎 of􀀎 LED􀀎 wedding􀀎 hairpin􀀎 and􀀎 wedding􀀎dress
Ⅴ.􀀃 Conclusion􀀃
  • Yeonsoo Kim(Ph. D., Candidate, Dept. of Fashion Industry, Ewha Womans University, Korea) | 김연수 (이화여자대학교 의류산업학과 박사수료)
  • Eunyoung Lee(Assistant Professor, Dept. of Fashion Design, Hannam University, Korea) | 이은영 (한남대학교 패션디자인학과 조교수)
  • Dong-Eun Kim(Professor, Dept. of Fashion Industry, Ewha Womans University, Korea) | 김동은 (이화여자대학교 의류산업학과 교수) Corresponding author