북서태평양 해수면 온도변화가 아시아 여름 몬순에 미치는 영향: 중복잡성 전구기후모델 시뮬레이션
The observed relationships between the Asian summer monsoon and the sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies in the northwestern Pacific (NW Pacific) are verified using the intermediate complexity global climate model (GCM) (Planet Simulator: PLASIM). The climate responses over Asia for the monsoon season to forcing from NW Pacific SST anomalies are simulated in the GCM with the enhanced SST anomalies in the NW Pacific for the pre-monsoon season compared to climatological SST. During the pre-monsoon season, the enhanced SST anomalies result in an increase in lower-level convection and precipitation in the NW Pacific. A significantly weakened Indian summer monsoon is simulated for the enhanced SST experiment in the NW Pacific for the pre-monsoon season (p-value<0.05). PLASIM dose a good job at representing the observed patterns of zonally averaged surface temperature, precipitation, and 850 hPa u-wind, although with some regional differences from observations (p-values of zonal correlation coefficients<0.01).