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엽록소 형광 기술을 활용한 배나무 화상병 방제 약제 효과 분석 KCI 등재

Effectiveness of bactericide for controlling fireblight of pear tree using chlorophyll fluorescence technology

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/436736
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 4,000원
한국환경생물학회 (Korean Society Of Environmental Biology)

Due to rapid spread of fireblight, the Rural Development Administration is supplying bactericides to farmers. However, research on inhibitory effects of main active ingredients in these bactericides on fireblight is lacking. Chlorophyll fluorescence analysis is a non-destructive method for analyzing the photosynthetic efficiency of plants, enabling time-series data analysis of pathogen progression and allowing for large-scale studies. Therefore, this study analyzed inhibitory effects of main active ingredients in bactericides on fireblight using chlorophyll fluorescence response analysis. Flowering pear trees (three-year-old ‘Shingo’ variety) were sprayed with control agents and fire blight pathogens on flowers. Chlorophyll fluorescence responses were then measured at seven-day intervals. Twenty-eight days after bactericide treatment, the fluorescence of the O-J transition stage in the untreated group was twice as high as in the average bactericide-treated group presumably due to inhibition of electron transport in the PSII donor side caused by pathogen infection, leading to leaf necrosis. Additionally, the electron transport efficiency (ET2o, RE1o) decreased, reducing the driving force of photosynthesis (DF total ABS) to 20% of the average bactericidetreated group, indicating chlorophyll damage and reduced photosynthetic capacity. In conclusion, chlorophyll fluorescence technology can be used to quantitatively evaluate the efficacy of fire blight control agents during the flowering period of pear trees.

1. 서 론
2. 재료 및 방법
    2.1. 화상병 접종 및 약제 처리
    2.2. 엽록소 형광 분석
    2.3. 화상병 PCR 진단
    2.4. 통계분석
3. 결과 및 고찰
    3.1. 개화기 배나무의 엽록소 형광반응 (OJIP) 비교
    3.2. 개화기 배나무의 광화학적 생리지표 분석
적 요
CRediT authorship contribution statement
Declaration of Competing Interest
사 사
  • 엄태선(한경국립대학교 식물자원조경학부) | Tae seon Eom (Department of Plant Resources and Landscape Architecture, Hankyong National University, Anseong 17579, Republic of Korea)
  • 심지영(한경국립대학교 식물자원조경학부) | Ji Young Shim (Department of Plant Resources and Landscape Architecture, Hankyong National University, Anseong 17579, Republic of Korea)
  • 장승연(한경국립대학교 식물자원조경학부) | Seung Yeon Jang (Department of Plant Resources and Landscape Architecture, Hankyong National University, Anseong 17579, Republic of Korea)
  • 황예빈(한경국립대학교 식물자원조경학부) | Ye Bin Hwang (Department of Plant Resources and Landscape Architecture, Hankyong National University, Anseong 17579, Republic of Korea)
  • 유성영(한경국립대학교 식물생태화학연구소) | Sung Yung Yoo (Institute of Ecological Phytochemistry, Hankyong National University, Anseong 17579, Republic of Korea)
  • 최종윤(경기도농업기술원 환경농업연구과) | Jong Yoon Choi (Department of Environmental and Agricultural Research, Gyeonggi-do Agricultural Research and Extension Services, Hwaseong 18388, Republic of Korea)
  • 김태완(한경국립대학교 식물자원조경학부, 한경국립대학교 식물생태화학연구소) | Tae Wan Kim (Department of Plant Resources and Landscape Architecture, Hankyong National University, Anseong 17579, Republic of Korea, Institute of Ecological Phytochemistry, Hankyong National University, Anseong 17579, Republic of Korea) Corresponding author