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The Seasonality of Tropical Cyclone Activity in the Western North Pacific KCI 등재

북서태평양에서 열대저기압 활동도의 계절성

  • 언어ENG
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/43689
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기후연구 (Journal of Climate Research)
건국대학교 기후연구소 (KU Climate Research Institute)

This study recognized five annual cycle modes of the tropical cyclone (TC) activity in the western North Pacific using the CMA-STI data by an objective-oriented K-means cluster analysis approach. The five annual cycle modes include one normal mode and four abnormal modes: a weakened mode, two enhanced modes, and an anti-seasonal mode which suggests TC activities are enhanced in early season but suppressed in peak season. The yearly storm number and storm lifespan of both the weakened mode and the anti-seasonal mode are different from those of the two enhanced modes. The annual amplitudes of TC activity seem to be closely associated with the area of TC genesis. The discrepancies are obvious in frequencies of the five modes. However, comparison with both JMA and JTWC data suggests that the seasonality of TC activity has large bias.

Abstract 요약 1. Introduction 2. Data and methodology 3. The seasonality of TC activity 4. Comparison with JMA and JTWC datasets 5. Concluding remarks Acknowledgements References
  • YING Ming | 잉밍
  • Eun-Jeong CHA | 차은정