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Empowering Local Governance for Gender Parity: Enacting Vietnam’s Commitment to SDG 5 and Beyond KCI 등재

  • 언어ENG
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/437690
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 5,500원
이준국제법연구원 (YIJUN Institute of International Law)

This study emphasizes the vital role of local governments in Vietnam in advancing gender equality, particularly in achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 5. It argues that local governance is crucial for translating national gender equality commitments into practical outcomes while simultaneously driving sustainable development. This article examines Vietnam’s legal frameworks, policies, and local governance practices to assess their effectiveness in promoting gender-responsive governance under the UN SDG framework. The author explores the relationship between local governance and gender equality, emphasizing the transformative impact of integrating gender perspectives at the local level. The findings demonstrate a strong link between effective local governance and progress toward SDG 5. She advocates for empowering local governments to implement gender-inclusive policies, which are essential for achieving gender equality and sustainable development in Vietnam. Furthermore, it provides strategic recommendations to strengthen gender responsiveness in local governance, contributing to the broader discourse on sustainable and inclusive development.

1. Introduction
2. SDG 5 and Implementation in the Dimension of Local Government
    A. Gender Equality and Sustainable Development from Feminist Perspectives
    B. Local Governance and SDG 5
    C. Gaps between Local Governance and Gender Equality under SDG 5
3. The Role of Local Government in Advancing GenderEquality
    A. Engaging with the Local Context
    B. Actualizing Global Commitment
4. Vietnam’s Path to SDG 5
    A. Framework for Women’s Participation into Local Governments in Vietnam
    B. Impact on SDG 5 Commitment
    C. Recommendations
5. Conclusion
  • Minh Hoang Dang(Ph.D. candidate at the University of Economics and Law, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam and Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, Lecturer in Law at FPT University, Can Tho, Vietnam, LL.M. (Newcastle))