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학교폭력 가해행동을 한 남자 청소년의 경험: 근거이론연구 KCI 등재

Male Adolescents' Experiences as School Violence Assailants: A Grounded Theory Study

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/437979
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대한질적연구학회지 (Korean Association for Qualitative Research)
대한질적연구학회 (Korean Association for Qualitative Research)

Purpose: This qualitative study explained the experiences of male adolescents who perpetrated school violence and understand which changes occur over time. Methods: Data were collected from June 2014 to May 2015 from 21 male adolescents who had perpetrated school violence and faced punishments, including forced transfers or special education. In-depth interviews and participant observations were conducted, with each interview lasting 45-100 minutes over 1-4 sessions. All interviews were audio-recorded and transcribed, taking 3-5 hours per session, with the transcripts reviewed for accuracy. Furthermore, member checks were conducted with the two participants for feedback. Meanwhile, data analysis followed Grounded Theory using open, axial, and selective coding while adhering to COREQ guidelines to ensure transparency and reflexivity. Results: A total of 87 concepts, 34 sub-categories, and 17 categories were derived. The core category was identified as “breaking out of the emotional pain.”The basic psycho-social processes experienced by the male adolescents who had perpetrated school violence appeared in four phases; "eruption", "habituation", "separation," and "reflection." The central phenomenon was “explosion of repressed emotional pain.” Conclusion: This study provides novel insights into preventing school violence by providing a comprehensive understanding of the experiences of male adolescents who perpetrated acts of school violence. Crucially, it suggests that both assailants and victims of school violence should be looked after by their families, schools, and communities.

서 론
    1. 연구의 필요성
    2. 연구목적 및 연구 문제
연 구 방 법
    1. 연구설계
    2. 연구참여자
    3. 자료수집
    4. 윤리적 고려
    5. 자료분석
    6. 연구자의 이론적 민감성 확보
    7. 연구의 질 확보
연 구 결 과
    1. 핵심범주: ‘감정적 고통에서 벗어나기’
    2. 학교폭력 가해 행동을 한 남자 청소년의 경험 과정:감정적 고통에서 벗어나기 과정
논 의
    1. 핵심범주: ‘감정적 고통에서 벗어나기’
    2. ‘감정적 고통에서 벗어나기’ 과정
결 론 및 제 언
  • 김경미(고신대학교 간호대학 부교수) | Kim Kyoung Mi (Assosiate Professor, College of Nursing, Kosin University, Busan, Korea)
  • 이가언(동아대학교 간호학부 명예교수) | Lee Ga Eon (Honorary Professor, College of Nursing Dong-A University, Busan, Korea) Corresponding author
  • 전혜정(부산여자대학교 간호학과 조교수) | Jun Hye Jung (Assistant Professor, Department of Nursing, Busan Women's College, Busan, Korea)