한국공간구조학회(Korean Association for Spatial Structures)
1. Introduction 2. Measurement of shape changeof Model A02 2.1 Change in overall configuration ofModel A02 2.2 Change in configurations ofboundary lines 2.3 Change in plan shape of modelA02 3. Measurement of shape changeof Model B06 3.1 Change in overall configuration ofModel B06 3.2 Change in configurations ofboundary lines 3.3 Change in plan shape of Model B06 4. Measurement of shape changeof Model C10 4.1 Change in overall configuration ofModel C10 4.2 Change in configurations of boundarylines of Model C10 4.3 Change in plan shape of Model C10 5. Measurement of shape changeof Model D13 5.1 Change in overall configuration ofModel D13 5.2 Change in configurations of boundarylines of Model D13 5.3 Change in plan shape of Model D13 6. Concluding Remarks References
K. K. CHOONG(School of Civil Engineering, Engineering Campus, Universiti Sains Malaysia 14300 Nibong Tebal, Penang, Malaysia)
김재열(Department of Architectural Engineering, Hyupsung University, Hwaseong-shi, Repulic of Korea) | Jae Yeol KIM