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효율적인 성능기반 내진설계를 위한 후처리 프로그램 개발 KCI 등재

Development of Post-processor Program for Efficient Performance-Based Seismic Design

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/438086
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한국공간구조학회 (Korean Association for Spatial Structures)

Performance-Based Seismic Design (PBSD) is an approach that evaluates how structures will perform under different
levels of seismic activity. It focuses on ensuring that buildings not only withstand earthquakes but also meet specific
performance objectives, such as minimizing damage or maintaining functionality after the event. Unlike traditional methods,
PBSD allows for more tailored, cost-effective designs by considering varying degrees of acceptable damage based on the
structure's importance and use. PBSD was introduced in Korea in 2016 to replace elastic design, which is inevitable to
over-design to cope with all variables such as earthquakes and winds. When PBSD is applied to the structural design new
building, One of the challenges of PBSD is the complexity involved in creating accurate inelastic analysis models. The
process requires significant time and effort to analyze the results, as it involves detailed simulations of how structures will
behave under seismic stress. Additionally, organizing and interpreting the analysis data to meet performance objectives can
be labor-intensive and technically demanding. In order to solve this problem, a post-processor program was developed in
this study. A post-processor was developed based on Excel program using Visual Basic for Applications(VBA). Because
analysis outputs of Perform-3D, that is a commercial software for structural analysis and design, are very complicated,
generation of tables and graphs for report is significant time and effort consuming task. When the developed post-processor
is used to make the seismic design report, the required task time is significantly reduced.

1. 서론
2. 부재 강도검토 프로그램
3. 그래프 및 표 작성 자동화 프로그램
4. 결론
감사의 글
  • 고현(㈜스페이스업 이사, 공학박사) | Ko Hyun (SpaceUp Co., Ltd.)
  • 김수찬(선문대학교 건축학부 학사과정) | Kim Su Chan (Division of Architecture, Sunmoon University)
  • 김태웅(선문대학교 건축학부 학사과정) | Kim Taeung (Division of Architecture, Sunmoon University)
  • 김현수(선문대학교 건축학부 교수, 공학박사) | Kim Hyun-Su (Division of Architecture, Sunmoon University) Corresponding author