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농림부보고서를 이용한 한국의 버섯 연구동향 분석 (1995~2020) KCI 등재

Analysis of research trends on mushrooms using the report from the Ministry of Agriculture in Korea

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/438256
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 4,000원
한국버섯학회지 (Journal of Mushrooms (J. Mushrooms))
한국버섯학회 (The Korean Society of Mushroom Science)

The Institute for Planning and Evaluation of Agriculture, Food, and Rural Affairs (IPET) is a quasi-governmental agency established under the Ministry of Agriculture, Food, and Rural Affairs that efficiently supports the planning, management, and evaluation of research and development projects to foster food science and technology for agriculture, forestry, and fisheries. The results of this study were used to prepare basic data and identify research trends to help understand Korea's mushroom industry by analyzing the related research published in the final report of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry from 1995 to 2020. The annual research trends are as follows: 1 in 1995, 7 in 1998, 6 in 2000, 9 in 2003, 9 in 2006, 10 in 2008, 5 in 2012, 3 in 2015, 8 in 2018, and 4 in 2020. They increased rapidly from the second half of 1990 to the second half of 2010 but decreased thereafter. The research fields were as follows: quality and postharvest management (45 articles, 32.3%), cultivation and production (41 articles, 29.5%), facilities (19 articles, 13.7%), genetic breeding (14 articles, 10.1%), biotechnology (14 articles, 10.1%), and others (6 articles, 4.3%).

서 론
재료 및 방법
결과 및 고찰
    연구자 동향
    연도별 연구동향
    연도별 연구예산 동향
    연구수행 주체별 버섯 연구동향
    연구분야별 동향
    연구기간별 동향
    버섯종류별 연구동향
적 요
  • 조우식(경상북도농업기술원) | Woo-Sik Jo (Gyeongbuk Province Agricultural Technology Administration, Daegu 41404, Korea) Corresponding author