Research on teaching of Chinese characters has seen a relatively late start in international Chinese language education. Since there is little experience in teaching handwritten characters in previous Chinese as a foreign language instruction, the theory and practice of Chinese character teaching for non-native speakers have developed gradually. The latest Chinese Proficiency Grading Standards for International Chinese Language Education list the Handwritten Chinese Character List as a separate item, strengthening the guiding position of the separation of character recognition and writing principle in teaching Chinese characters. It also allows us to re-examine the issue of handwritten instruction in teaching Chinese characters to those learning Chinese as a foreign language. This paper examines issues in Chinese character teaching based on the theory of Chinese character formation, focusing on three levels of mastery: whole character, component, and stroke. The component teaching method has gained a high level of attention in recent pedagogical circles, and this method offers both advantages and disadvantages. Stroke instruction, often overlooked, is also essential for mastering handwritten Chinese characters. Stroke instruction goes beyond merely practicing basic strokes and their order and emphasizes understanding of the logic behind stroke writing.
漢字教學研究是國際中文教育領域起步較晚的研究方向, 並因先前的二語教 學中鮮有文字教學的經驗可供參考, 對外漢字教學的理論與實踐都是在探索中逐步向前 發展的。最新的《國際中文教育中文水平等級標準》中將“手寫漢字表”單列一項, 無疑 加強了“認寫分流”原則在漢字教學中的指導地位, 也讓我們重新審視對外漢字教學中的 手寫教學問題。本文基於漢字構形理論, 從整字, 構件, 筆畫三個層面討論目前漢字教學 中存在的一些問題。目前教學中備受關注的部件教學法利弊兩面均較爲突出, 而容易被 忽視的筆畫教學實則爲手寫漢字的基礎。同時筆畫教學並非簡單地對基本筆畫, 筆順等 進行機械性練習, 重點是掌握筆畫書寫的基本邏輯。