This paper focuses on the role of the Chinese classical texts in Japan from the 3rd to the 8th century. By looking at them, we can understand the characteristics of Japanese culture, which is to adopt foreign culture in different forms. In China, The Analects was included in the Imperial Examination, however, in Japan, according to Yasutami Suzuki, “it was regarded as an important text for learning Chinese characters”. This paper examined how Chinese classics were received and utilized in Japan. In the beginning, descendants of immigrants, whom we call ‘Toraijin 渡来人’ in Japan, were taught Chinese classics, likely for the purposes of indoctrination, similar to the teaching of Chinese. However, with time, a political system was established, and Chinese classics began to be used as a teaching tool for learning the Chinese characters in support of the system. Reading and writing Chinese characters would have been understood as a status symbol. The method of teaching, reading, writing using the Chinese classics may have been passed down from parents to children and from children to grandchildren. This study considers for whom these Chinese books were imported into Japan, where at the time there was no written language. It also considers what kind of education system was being built at the time of the establishment of the Yamato court. This type of research has been sparsely studied, but is significant in considering the implications for the foundations of education in Japan.
本文將聚焦在3世紀末至8世紀日本的漢字資料。在古代中國和古代朝鮮, 《論語》被用來灌輸思想, 而在古代日本, 正如鈴木康民所說, “它被視為學習漢字的重要 文本。” 我們考察了古代日本在接受中國典籍時是如何處理的。最初, 中國的經典是移民 的人閱讀的, 這可能是為了灌輸, 類似中國人的教學。然而, 隨著時間的推移, 政治制度的 建立, 中國經典可能被接受為學習支持該制度的漢字的教學工具。 讀寫漢字將被視為一 種身分象徵, 而讀寫教學的方法和中國經典可能是從父母傳給孩子, 從孩子傳給孫子的。