湖北鄂州郭家堖墓M1 出土衣物疏中的“ ”與“ ” 及其指稱量詞
On the wooden slabs unearthed from the tomb of Guojianao (formerly, Guo) in the period of Sun Wu of the Three Kingdoms, there is a sentence with the words “針囊一枚, 白糸一 , 青糸一”. Past scholars interpreted the three characters “ ” ,“ ” and “ ” as the word “縱 (zong)” , which means “silk thread”, and “ ” ,“ ” as the word “㢧 (卷, juan, volume)”, which is a measure word. This study verifies that the word “ ” is “ ”, and “ ”, “ ” are “ ”, which are all variants of the word “線 (xian, line)”. This was achieved by changing the phonetic note. The measure word “ ”, “ ” used for weighing silk thread should be a variant form of the word “斤 (jin)”, which is similar to the writing of “ (jin)” or “ (jin)” in the Pan’s clothing list of the Eastern Jin Dynasty.
三國孫吳時期郭家堖(前郭)墓M1出土有字木牘中有“針囊一枚, 白糸 一, 青糸一”一句。以往學者釋“ ”“ ”“ ”三字爲“縱”字, 義爲絲線, 釋“ ”“ ”二字爲“㢧(卷)”字, 量詞。我們考證“ ”即“ ”字, “ ”“ ”二字即 “ ”字, 皆爲“線”字異體, 是用改換聲符的方法造的俗字, 稱量絲線的量詞“ ”“ ”當爲 “斤”字異寫, 與東晉潘氏衣物券中“斤”的寫法“ ”“ ”類似。