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“ ” “ ” Referential Words in the Clothing List Unearthed from the M1 Tomb of Guojianao in Ezhou, Hubei Province

湖北鄂州郭家堖墓M1 出土衣物疏中的“ ”與“ ” 及其指稱量詞

  • 언어ENG
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/438286
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 4,500원
세계한자학회 (The Wolrd Association of Chinese Characters Studies)

On the wooden slabs unearthed from the tomb of Guojianao (formerly, Guo) in the period of Sun Wu of the Three Kingdoms, there is a sentence with the words “針囊一枚, 白糸一 , 青糸一”. Past scholars interpreted the three characters “ ” ,“ ” and “ ” as the word “縱 (zong)” , which means “silk thread”, and “ ” ,“ ” as the word “㢧 (卷, juan, volume)”, which is a measure word. This study verifies that the word “ ” is “ ”, and “ ”, “ ” are “ ”, which are all variants of the word “線 (xian, line)”. This was achieved by changing the phonetic note. The measure word “ ”, “ ” used for weighing silk thread should be a variant form of the word “斤 (jin)”, which is similar to the writing of “ (jin)” or “ (jin)” in the Pan’s clothing list of the Eastern Jin Dynasty.

三國孫吳時期郭家堖(前郭)墓M1出土有字木牘中有“針囊一枚, 白糸 一, 青糸一”一句。以往學者釋“ ”“ ”“ ”三字爲“縱”字, 義爲絲線, 釋“ ”“ ”二字爲“㢧(卷)”字, 量詞。我們考證“ ”即“ ”字, “ ”“ ”二字即 “ ”字, 皆爲“線”字異體, 是用改換聲符的方法造的俗字, 稱量絲線的量詞“ ”“ ”當爲 “斤”字異寫, 與東晉潘氏衣物券中“斤”的寫法“ ”“ ”類似。

1. Problems with previous viewpoints
2. Research viewpoint
3. Conclusion
  • Yu-ping LI(College of Literature, Tianjin Normal University, China) | 李玉平 (天津師範大學文學院)
  • Jin-bo FU(College of Literature, Tianjin Normal University, China) | 富金博 (天津師範大學文學院)